Thursday, December 1, 2005

Is Rachel a Weisz?

The Independent reports that actress Rachel Weisz will be back in the UK next spring to film Death Defying Acts, a new film about Houdini. Weisz will play Houdini's mistress in the film.

The paper claims that Houdini "is a long-standing interest of Weisz's, partly motivated by the thought that he was a distant relative - he was born in Hungary as Ehrich Weisz."

Rachel Weisz related to Houdini? There is a bit of a resemblance.

Weisz is best known for her two blockbuster Mummy films, The Mummy (1999) and The Mummy Returns (2001), and can currently been seen in The Constant Gardener.

This post first appeared on Houdini Lives.

1 comment:

  1. she is also in "enemy at the gates" a great movie by the way
