Tuesday, March 8, 2011

'Houdini' West End run postponed

Mary Swan, Artistic Director and Chief Executive of the theater company Proteus, checks in today with an update on her efforts to bring her acclaimed play, Houdini, to the West End of London this year:

"Firstly we would like to thank all of you for pledging your support, big and small, and to say how much it means to us that our work is valued and supported by so many people – literally across the world!

For a number of reasons we have decided to postpone the transfer until next year, primarily because in the end we felt there was not enough time to fully publicise the show and to secure the rest of the funding required to underwrite the run to the satisfaction of our board and core funders.

Whilst we are, obviously, disappointed by the delay, it certainly does not mean we will not bring the show into the West End, on the contrary we are now sure that is the right ambition for us and that, from our research so far, that there is a large audience for this work.

In the meantime if you know of any individuals or businesses that may be interested in getting involved in a West End run, please feel free to pass these details on.

Again, thank you so much from all of us here at Proteus, now we know how many people want to see us in the West End we will ensure that becomes a reality!"

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