Sunday, June 12, 2011


As I explained back in April, a full time summer job is keeping me from updating WILD ABOUT HARRY as much as I'd like. But I'd suggest using this downtime to revisit some of my past blog posts that you might have missed.

To make this easy, I've tagged a collection of older posts BEST OF BLOG. They include The Forgotten Films of Theo. Hardeen, 278: The Home of Houdini, I've seen The Grim Game, and many more (52 total).

So just CLICK to browse what I consider must reads. And let me know when you think something else deserves to be tagged "Best of Blog".


  1. Heaps of good ones in there. I didn't see a tag on your review of the 1953 Houdini film. Also, I was wondering whether you were going to include the link to the bio you wrote or is that different because it's a stand alone page?

  2. Oh, thanks, melbo. I should tag that one. And, yes, the bio is a stand alone page. Can't tag those.
