Sunday, January 1, 2012

Is 2012 the year of The Grim Game?

Looks like 2012 is kicking off with a renewed focas on Houdini's best, lost film, The Grim Game. First off, our friend Dean Carnegie has posted a nice newspaper advert for the movie at his newly redesigned, Carnegie: Magic Detective. Also, over the holidays, Joe Notaro launched an all-new blog, Harry Houdini Circumstantial Evidence, devoted entirely to, yes, The Grim Game! Here's Joe's mission statement:

  • Bring Harry Houdini and The Grim Game to life so that we will all feel like we have seen the movie.
  • Plan to present all the evidence and research gathered to date one blog at a time.
  • Evidence and research will consist of Exhibits (ads, newspaper articles, press clippings, lobby stills, lobby cards, related links, blogs, posters, ebay, books, etc…).

Sounds like my kind of website! Take a browse at Harry Houdini Circumstantial Evidence and lets make 2012 the year of The Grim Game!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the plug. I am all for making 2012 the year of The Grim Game. Let's make it happen.
