Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Alex Stone on 'Fooling Houdini'

A new book called Fooling Houdini: Magicians, Mentalists, Math Geeks, and the Hidden Powers of the Mind has been released by Harper. Doesn't look like the book has anything to do with Houdini apart from a nice name-check in the title, but that's enough for it to get a mention here on WILD ABOUT HARRY.

You can buy Fooling Houdini: Magicians, Mentalists, Math Geeks, and the Hidden Powers of the Mind on You can learn more about the book at the Fooling Houdini website.

Below is a clip of author Alex Stone talking about the book and the art of Magic.

UPDATE: This book is receiving a justifiably hostile reception from magicians for revealing secrets. To read about the time Houdini himself got in trouble over breaking the Magician's Code, read: Houdini, the Magician's Code, and the Talking Tea Kettle scandal.


  1. Jamy Ian Swiss reviews the book in the July issue of Genii Magazine. It's a wonder the magazine didn't catch on fire from that review! There is no mention of HOUDINI in the review at all.

  2. Ricky Jay gave it a scathing review in the WSJ:

    1. LOL, I just read that. Seems both Jamy and Ricky feel pretty much the same way.
