Friday, April 5, 2013

Alfred & Agatha meet Houdini

Houdini co-stars in the newest book of the Spanish language children's series: Las Aventuras de Alfred & Agatha: El Gran Truco de Houdini (The Adventures of Alfred & Agatha: The Great Trick of Houdini) by Ana Campoy. Here is a translation of the plot description from publisher Edebe:

Alfred and Agatha, his inseparable companion Morritos are enjoying the hospitality of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in his home city of Edinburgh. There they learn that a dangerous-looking stranger thief plans to steal the Koh-i-noor on the train that will take them back to London.

Aided by the great Harry Houdini, the famous magician friend of Sir Arthur, children and Lips jump on the train determined to protect the diamond. Although do have to live for a trip full of mysteries, disappearances and even amazing magic tricks. A trial journey where nothing is what it seems.

Las Aventuras de Alfred & Agatha: El Gran Truco de Houdini can be purchased via


  1. Hi John! I´m Ana Campoy. Alfred & Agatha´s author. Thanks for mentioning my book on your blog! I enjoyed make little Alfred Hitchcock and Agatha Christie met with Houdini. It was amazing! For the time our adventures have been published in Spanish, Italian and Turkish, although we hope that in the future may be available in English too. Thanks again for your words and greetings from Spain!

    1. Hi Ana. Thank you for commenting. So that Alfred Hitchcock and Agatha Christie? I didn't get that from the translation. That's awesome! :)

      Yes, here's hoping it gets an English translation. Good luck and stay in touch.
