Sunday, August 31, 2014

Houdini sighting in Universal City

Last night I got a hot tip from Joe Fox that there was a Houdini billboard at 3655 Cahuenga Blvd above Miceli's restaurant in Universal City. I jumped in my car and grabbed these shots as the sun was going down. This is my first sighting of a Houdini billboard in L.A. Fittingly, it's on the road to the Magic Castle in Hollywood.

I'm actually surprised that I haven't seen more Houdini billboard and bus stop ads like this. When HISTORY aired Bonnie and Clyde, I saw street ads everywhere. But I guess when you have stars like Adrien Brody and Kristen Connolly, the amount of free media (interviews, etc) is what you count on instead of street advertising. It's certainly been the case that Houdini has received a lot of attention in the press.

Houdini airs Monday and Tuesday at 8/9c.



  1. Great shots, John. I wish I lived on the West Coast. Did you stop at Miceli's and pick up some tacos? You gave them some free advertising here on your blog!

  2. I think you must have "dibs" on that billboard !!

  3. I'm sorry, Miceli's is a pizzeria, not a Spanish food joint. It's not too late to pick up a pie at a good price for your hard work!

  4. I was surprised at how many commercials were shot just for this movie's airing.
    Many of the commercials featured magic and the like.
    I don't believe I have seen this done since the SuperBowl.

    That is funny, I ate at Micellis for the first time just a couple months ago.
    Not sure they had the sign up or not, but they absolutely had no tacos.
