Monday, October 27, 2014

Two new Spanish language Houdini books

Here are two recently released Spanish language books that may be of interest to Houdini buffs.

El hombre que mató a Houdini ("The Man Who Killed Houdini") by Rufino Fernández is a fictional novel about Houdini and J. Gordon Whitehead. (This shouldn't be confused with the Don Bell book of the same title which was a non-fiction exploration of Whitehead.) It can be purchased in paperback or for the Kindle on

Valle-Inclán y el insólito caso del hombre con rayos x en los ohos ("Valle-Inclán and the incredible case of the man with X-Rays in his eyes") is a non-fiction work about Joaquin Maria Argamasilla and his connection with Houdini and Spanish writer, Ramón María del Valle-Inclán. You might recall that Argamasilla's claim of having X-ray vision was exposed by Houdini in his Margery pamphlet.

You can buy Valle-Inclán y el insólito caso del hombre con rayos x en los ohos at the UK You can get more information on the book HERE.

Thanks to Javier Coronet.

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