Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Live tweeting from the Midwest Magic History Weekend 2015

This week I'm in Marshall, Michigan for the 2015 Midwest Magic History Weekend. I'm excited to be giving my "Houdini in Hollywood" talk on Thursday night, along with screening a Houdini film. I will then be enjoying the other talks and events, including an escape attempt by Hatari from a genuine Houdini-Hardeen Milk Can during the big show on Saturday night.

It promises to be several days loaded with magic, Houdini, and good friends. Below is my Twitter feed @HoudiniWild where I will do my best to keep you up-to-date with all the magical happenings in Marshall. #MHW

I'll resume normal posting on June 1st.

UPDATEREPORT: The Midwest Magic History Weekend 2015.



  1. Would love to hear some comments from those who are following and enjoying these tweets. This post is a bit of an experiment -- I've never embedded my Twitter feed into a post before -- so I'm curious to know how it's working out.

  2. I'm following and enjoying the tweets. Sometimes it's difficult to scroll up and down the tweet feed. I don't know if that's because the feed is imbedded in the post or if it's just my computer. Great pictures. A lot of really cool stuff on display. Good job.

    1. Yeah, it is a little hard to scroll. But if you click or hover over it the scroll bar shows up on the right.

  3. Great tweets John! Thank you for letting us into Magicland. You saw the Grim Game again? Most of us are still waiting.

    1. I arranged it! It was a surprise I revealed during my talk. :)

  4. Nice surprise! The embedded Tweets are working out great for me, especially since I couldn’t be there in person. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Thanks for the Tweets John. I could not make the event so I was following along as news came in.

  6. Great. Working well and great photos of the events.
    Thanks for the share. Cheers

  7. I've learned how to isolate just the Magic Weekend posts, so I will leave this as an archive of events. I think the is good way to handle "live tweeting" events from now on. I'm working on a full report of the weekend and hope to have it up in the next few days.
