Monday, February 29, 2016

Happy Leap Year Birthday, Hardeen

Like his famous brother, Theo "Dash" Hardeen was born in Budapest. But also like his brother, Hardeen claimed Appleton, Wisconsin as his birthplace and selected a new birthday to go with it.

While Houdini chose April 6 (the day his mother always wrote to him), Hardeen showed a sense of humor and selected February 29, Leap Day, as his adopted birthday.

Houdini biographies for children often bemoan that fact that "poor Theo could only celebrate his birthday once every four years." Always overshadowed by Harry! But I think what this really tells us is Dash didn't take himself nearly as seriously.

So even though we now know he was actually born on March 4, 1876, lets celebrate Hardeen's adopted birthday TODAY as we only get this opportunity every four years.

Happy birthday, Dash!


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