Tuesday, March 28, 2017

LINK: Antiques Roadshow Houdini letter

The PBS show Antiques Roadshow recently featured a Houdini letter from a collection in Palm Springs, California. The letter has some pretty interesting content. It's dated July 21, 1910, shortly after Houdini's return from Australia, and in it he talks about using his "bi-plane" to fly from city to city during his upcoming British tour. He also mentions having a car in New York, which nicely debunks the oft-repeated notion that Houdini never drove after Australia.

Click the headline to check out the full story and letter at Antiques Roadshow. There you can also watch the segment from the show and join in on the discussion of exactly who Houdini is writing to here.



  1. I'm surprised this is not on his stationary. When did HH start using his stationary from 278 W 113th? --Dale from Cleveland

    1. Houdini has stationary going back to the start of his career. But I've seen letters on blank paper. With this one it looks like he signed and sent his carbon copy. Maybe he spilled coffee on his stationary original. :)
