Thursday, August 10, 2017

LINK: The Grim Game's Disappearing Act

The Paris Review has a well-researched article by Will Stephenson about the reappearance in 2014 of Houdini's lost silent film The Grim Game. Nothing all that new for those of us who followed the blow by blow that year (some links below), but it's a good overview of the story with fresh quotes from Dick Brookz, Rick Schmidlin, and Jon Oliver. (Click the headline above to read.)

One thing this piece does not observe is that The Grim Game has not been shown on TCM since its one airing in 2015, nor has it been released on DVD or streaming. In some ways, The Grim Game is once again Houdini's lost film.



    1. I inadvertently missed it the first time and have been awaiting its rebroadcast or DVD sale. Maybe TCM learned of some of these auction prices and are driving the price up for an auction of the film? :) Dale from Cleveland.

      1. Oh no! That was the wrong broadcast to miss. I keep hoping they'll show it again. Don't know why they haven't.

      2. I contacted TCM and it not scheduled now but it will in the future.

      3. Ah, great to know they do intend to show it again at some point. Thanks Rick!

    2. I hope it gets a DVD/Blu-ray release, at some point. I'm honestly baffled as to why it hasn't, yet. :-/
