Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Photos from The Last Séance

Here are some terrific photos from Jennifer Berman's new play The Last Séance at the Hudson Guild Theater in New York. The play will run for two more performances this Friday, September 29 and Sunday October 1st. Thanks to David Goodman of David Goodman Photographs for sharing these great shots.

Lady Doyle (Isabel Schnall) channels "Mama."
Houdini (Justin Chevalier) and Conan Doyle (Jim Haines).
Megan Ghorashy as Eusapia Palladinio.
Justin Chevalier as Houdini.
Harry and Bess (Megan Ghorashy) in performance.

CLICK HERE for tickets to The Last Séance. For more information visit the website for The New York Theater Festival.


1 comment:

  1. Another great review, Last Seance
