Monday, February 19, 2018

Discovering Terror Island

"...Where the drums beat till dawn and the wild dances madden the blood."
Our expedition to Catalina Island this weekend in search of Terror Island locations and filming details exceeded all expectations! The good folks at the Catalina Island Museum rolled out the red carpet for me and fellow explorers Joe Notaro and Mark Willoughby. We had the time of our lives, and not a cannibal in sight. Whew!

The discoveries (and there were many!) will be featured in the museum's upcoming exhibition Houdini: Terror on the Magic Isle, which runs May 5 to Oct. 7, 2018.

I also learned what kinds of artifacts the museum has planned for the exhibition, and it's going to be historic. Executive Director Julie Perlin Lee is clearly committed to making this a major event (she may have even caught the Houdini bug herself). So if you have any unique Terror Island collectibles you think might enhance this exhibition, feel free to contact me or the museum direct. They'll be gathering material until April 1st.

And if there was ever a time for someone to come forward with the missing reels 3 & 4, THIS is it!

The museum will also be screening Terror Island with live musical accompaniment in the famous Avalon Casino on May 19th. Tickets are available now. I'm told this will be a busy weekend on the island as the Art Deco Society will be holding their annual Avalon Ball, so making travel arrangements early is encouraged.

Below are a few (non-spoiler) pics from our adventure.

Fearless expedition leaders Gail and Julie.
Treasure hunting on the seas and in the archives.
Into uncharted territory...
Where all will be revealed in May.

Keep watching WILD ABOUT HARRY and the Catalina Museum website for upcoming details about Houdini: Terror on the Magic Isle.

A monumental thanks to Julie Perlin Lee and everyone at the Catalina Island Museum.


1 comment:

  1. This is great! We need a day at the Kings to discuss this and DC.
