Friday, February 16, 2018

Expedition to Terror Island

I'm off on another Houdini adventure this weekend. This time I'm headed to "Terror Island" itself (a.k.a. Catalina) with fellow explorers Joe Notaro and Mark Willoughby. We will be meeting with the good folks at the Catalina Island Museum in preparation for their exhibition Houdini: Terror on the Magic Isle, which runs May 5 to Oct. 7, 2018. I'm looking forward to digging through their newspaper archive and also taking a boat trip in search of filming locations.

Hope we don't run into any cannibals!

I was hoping to get the first part of my report about visiting David Copperfield's incredible museum in Las Vegas up this weekend, but there is a lot to describe and I need more time to do it justice. So watch for that next week.

Meanwhile, check out the Catalina Museum website for details about Houdini: Terror on the Magic Isle, as well as their special screening of Terror Island on May 19th. Tickets for that are available now.



  1. HELP!
    Where is the rest of the film?

    Dorothy Dietrich and Dick Brookz
    The Houdini Museum, Scranton, PA
    The Only Building in the World Dedicated to Houdini

    1. If there was ever a time for someone to come forward with the missing reels, THIS is that time.
