Sunday, February 11, 2018

Remembering Bess on the 75th anniversary of her death

Today marks the 75th anniversary of the death of Bess Houdini on February 11, 1943. To mark the occasion, our great friend Janet Davis braved the rain and fog and traveled out to Bess' grave in Gate of Heaven cemetery in Hawthorne, New York to bring us some photos.

John, here are the photos I took of Bess' gravestone this morning, exactly 75 years after her death. You can see that someone who preceded me has BIG love for Bessie, with the large stone they left! 
Someday, I know you will see this marker for yourself. In the meantime, I know we're all thinking of Bess today. Take care and enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Thanks Janet.



  1. John Hinson great nephew of Bess and Harry HoudiniFebruary 11, 2018 at 8:59 AM

    Thank you Janet Davis.
