Friday, January 11, 2019

Facebook Live chat with George Hardeen today

The Science Channel will host a Facebook Live chat with George Hardeen today at 2pm EST/ 11am PST. Presumably this can be accessed via the Science Channel's Facebook Page (I'm never quite sure how to find these).

George Hardeen is Harry Houdini's Great Nephew and he's joining us for a Facebook Live at 2p EST/ 11a PST. He's been on a journey to learn more about his Great Uncle so he'll have many stories and can answer YOUR questions about Houdini

George is currently starring in the Science Channel's series Houdini's Last Secrets. Episode 2, which focases on the Bullet Catch, airs this Sunday.



  1. I tuned in yesterday on the Science Channel's FB page, and saw him but could not get the audio to work. I just visited the page again to see if it was archived, but if it is, I couldn't locate it.
