This is Houdini on October 14, 1926
Houdini History

Whoa! Was there a Water Torture Cell movie?
Houdini's claim that he was building a "health house"
The widows deaths
New photos reveal Houdini's Voisin
Remembering Harry Houdini Hinson
Houdini gives the all clear to his imitators???
The Houdinis at Inceville
Baker beats Houdini (sorta)
The Great Houdini will mop up for you! (or not)
Houdini, Tarzan, and the Perfect Man
New French edition of The Right Way to Do Wrong
Harry Houdini Legend & Legacy available on Lulu
Two new comic books spy Houdini this week
Television & streaming

'The Great Houdinis' on Talking Pictures, Thursday
Houdini miniseries leaves Netflix March 2
Jeopardy! offers up an easy one for $1600
Houdini's in Pasadena
Houdini portrait sells in Jim Rawlins Auction Part 1
Mystifier File
Mystifier, Second Quarter 1996
Mystifier, Third Quarter 1996
Houdini's last lecture
That pesky Parson's Theater program
Tom Interval introduces Blogcasts

New Houdini Chronology
Those tricky Houdini imitators
Now sharing the touchstone years
January 2019 in review
New page: Sources & acknowledgements
Revisit my visit to the Copperfield Collection
I don’t know how hard this is for you but I love it!
ReplyDeleteSuper easy. Copy and paste. I love that it's helpful!
DeleteThis is nice to have, as I frequently go back to past posts, and generally have to comb through subject lines in my inbox to do so!
ReplyDeleteThe search box above works pretty good. But also doing a regular Google search works remarkably well. If you can remember the topic or just a bit of the headline, type that in and then add the word "wild". It's how I sometimes have to find things.
DeleteIn general, adding "wild" to any Houdini search will bring you right to a relevant post here.
Thanks - yes, I do use the search too, but the actual headline is helpful to see because it jogs my memory and helps me recall what it was I wanted to look at in a particular post (which at times is unrelated to the headline). All good!