Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Houdini adult coloring book

For the Houdini nut who has it all, here's a Harry Houdini Adult Coloring Book by Skyler Rankin.

HARRY HOUDINI: AN ADULT COLORING BOOK: A Harry Houdini Coloring Book For Adults 
*An awesome collection of Harry Houdini coloring patterns
*Perfect for relaxation and stress relief
*2 copies of each image, for two chances to color!
*Rad original designs, from Scribble Press!

This actually isn't the first Houdini coloring book. Houdini's Magic Shop released one in the early 2000s (see related link). But this is the first that I'm aware of for adults, which I guess is now a thing as there are a huge assortment of these on Amazon.

You can purchase the Harry Houdini Adult Coloring Book at Amazon.com (U.S.) and Amazon.co.uk (UK).


1 comment:

  1. This is actually kind of cool to know as I've been wanting to do some drawings of Harry and this feels like a push to do so. I wonder if the outlines in the book were drawn, traced, or computer generated? I would assume computer, which may be why there are so many different coloring books on Amazon.
