Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Aberdeen is wild about Harry

Aberdeen, Scotland, appears to have gone wild for Houdini and his 1909 performance in the city. The latest is this segment on STV News at Six. What I especially like is they visit the grave of John Anderson, "the Wizard of the North", still very recognizable from the famous image of Houdini at the grave in 1909.

Thanks to Ben Philip for the alert. Check out Ben's article: How the great Harry Houdini escaped death in Aberdeen.



  1. Wow that's great. I'm sure everyone
    here is aware the picture of the SJ escape at about 0:36 is not Houdini. Do you know who it is? It could be Thomas Solomon or Sterenko. It's not the first time that image has been portrayed as HH.

    1. Yes, that pic keeps showing up. I believe Getty Images (or one of the photo services) has it labeled as being Houdini.

  2. Cool post, thanks. Ben's article as well is very interesting and nicely appreciative. I like that the very old Aberdeen newspaper clip also mentions his new milk can escape ("air-tight galvanized iron can filled to the brim with water and locked with six padlocks.")
