Thursday, September 5, 2019

Get your Houdini erotica here

It was just a matter of time until we got some Houdini erotica, and it looks like that time is today! Time Travellers Erotica: Harry Houdini by Laney Samson is available for Kindle and runs 11 steamy pages. No, I've not read it, but Amazon offers up a taste:

It is a personal policy of mine that I do not sleep with anyone that much younger than me. It’s a weird loophole when you start time travelling to have sex with a famous magician before he’s famous. Am I nine years older than this man? He dies at the age of fifty-two almost a century ago. (My time.)  
I think it’s fine.  
That’s how I ended up here, in the back seat of this ‘car’, with nineteen year old Harry Houdini’s hands up my shirt. I was a little afraid that vaudeville would include more make up. I draw the line at f***ing a clown in a car. Or actually… I don’t know. That sounds sort of fun. Maybe I shouldn’t draw so many lines.

You can purchase Time Travellers Erotica: Harry Houdini on Enjoy the trip.



  1. oh, I don't know about this being the first. I have a 1978 Italian graphic novel with Houdini and Margery that's not much short of porn...
    "Oltretomba spiritismo"

  2. Also, let's not forget Electric Flesh by Claro....though I admittedly don't recall if the "erotic" bits in that included Harry directly or not, I think my brain blocked most of it out in sheer shock...

    That said, I find it humorous and entertaining that you are posting about the existence of this new erotic story here, for posterity, while also opting out of reading it....sometimes one can only go so far into some realms of Houdini "history" :)

    1. I actually have Electric Flesh and I was looking at my post about the release of that wondering if it should be in related links, but I didn't know the level of eroticism to it (beyond the title). There's also Resurrecting Harry, which was a full on romance novel.

      Yeah, haha, I took a pass on this one. But apart from graphic novels, I really don't read any Houdini fiction anymore. Why pollute the brain with false Houdini imagery.

    2. Your Illicit loves post is a classic, and really such a good link to include here for those looking for something more akin to facts over fantasy....I am amused by your Houdini imagery purism.

    3. It's the way Harry would have wanted it. He flaunted his sexuality at the beginning of his career with lots of near nudity, but gradually toned it down as he got older.

  3. When Harry was 19, it would've been 1893; the heroine of the story probably could've had a more comfortable (and private) rendezvous with fictional Harry if she hadn't gone so far back in time. I don't think the early motor carriages of the 1890s were exactly ideal for making whoopee! (Thanks for this entertaining post!)

    1. Yeah, the "fun" in the back of a motorcarriage was the least convincing part of the whole thing. I get that she selected the year 1893 mainly so that what goes on is definitely not infidelity, but it also seems the whole intent of the (somewhat ill-defined, um, author-inserted female protagonist?) was to go bone a very young and possibly virginal Houdini, getting off on the whole, 'I'm more experienced and in control, ha ha' thing, plus the whole obvious bondage stuff. It got a bit tiresome and Fifty Shades-y with the, "Do you want me?" "Yes I want you," back and forth and obvious typos.

      So, 2.5 out of 5 handcuffs for this 11 page bodice-ripper. The ending was funny though. "Who next? Shakespeare, Julius Caesar?" Haha.

      Also, she says they meet at "essentially an improv class", and calls him a "comedian" at one point (?)

    2. Ha! Harry in an improv class... suddenly I have an image of him dressed as a mime enclosed in one of those invisible boxes, feeling the non-existent boundaries with his palms! (p.s. I like your "5 handcuffs" rating system!)

    3. Thank you for the review, gingertimelady. I believe Jesus is next. (!) :o

  4. For $1.33 on, it was... alright. It's way too short though. :p

  5. BTW, so far this is my most viewed post of the month. Everyone should be ashamed. :p
