Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Welcome to our WILD 10th year!

HAPPY NEW YEAR and welcome to 2020, which just happens to be WILD ABOUT HARRY's 10th year online. After 10 years and 4340 posts, can there really be anything left to say about Houdini? Oh, we've just gotten started!

It all kicks off tomorrow with a deep dive into what Houdini himself was up to 100 years ago. It's Houdini in 1920.


  1. Congratulations, John, and Happy New Year!

  2. awesome accomplishment to reach this milestone and still be going strong...congratulations, John!

  3. Great milestone! Congrats and Happy New Year!
    --Dale from Cleveland

  4. Huzzah! Here's to another 10 years, and beyond! Happy New Year, and Happy New Decade, John - and of course, congratulations!
