Saturday, November 21, 2020

Nothing to do with Houdini

Here's another WILD ABOUT HARRY first; a post that has nothing to do with Houdini! But Brian Young at the "History Ramblings with Lauren and Brian" Facebook Group reminded me that today is the 89th anniversary of the release of the original Frankenstein starring Boris Karloff, which is my favorite of the Universal Horror movies (yes, even more than the much praised Bride of Frankenstein).

I've always been a huge Universal Horror buff (an interest that even pre-dates Houdini), and in 2009 I wrote a guest post for Pierre Fournier's Frankensteinia. Pierre's incredible blog covers all aspects of Frankenstein and was the inspiration and model for WILD ABOUT HARRY, which I launched a year later. So if you care to take a rare non-Houdini excursion and explore another obsession, click the link below and go.

Unfortunately, Pierre no longer updates Frankensteinia. But if you are a fellow Frankenstein fan, I recommend the podcast Frankenstein Minute with Thom Lange and Bill Evenson, who dissect the Universal Frankenstein movies one minute at a time. And for current Universal Horror news, I enjoy Universal Monsters Universe.



  1. I remember reading this article when it came out year ago. You must have posted it on facebook at the time. BTW, don't you also have a James Bond blog???

  2. Not too far removed from HH. Boris Karloff had met Dai Vernon, who as we know had met Houdini.
