Saturday, April 11, 2020

10th Anniversary: Golden Age in bronze

In 2010 Mike Elizalde's special effects house Spectral Motion launched their amazing "Magicians Series" of bronze busts. I discovered these by surprise at Monsterpalooza and blogged about them 10 years ago today.

TEN YEAR UPDATE: Spectral Motion has thus far created busts of Houdini, Robert-Houdin, Kellar, Thurston, Chung Ling Soo, Alexander Herrmann, Adelaide Herrmann, Blackstone, Dante, and Cardini. All are on display at the Magic Castle. I've heard talk of mini busts and a new series of contemporary magicians. Mike Elizalde recently teased Ricky Jay on his Twitter. As for Houdini, I've never pulled the trigger on one of these (they are $2650), but I remain tempted and they still have a few in stock. My dream is they'll one day do a second Houdini bust at his older "Master Mystifier" age.



  1. These are all excellent, but that bust of Chung Ling Soo is really special. I love the way the base has been designed and the detail in his Chinese robe. (Then again, Kellar and Thurston get their own little devils!)

    1. As they went on they added more custom/character flourishes. Cardini is especially good. Unfortunately, their website doesn't show these later busts.

    2. Thanks for the tip - I just did a search and found an image of the Cardini bust in pre-bronze stage. Wow, that really is wonderful! I'm trying to think of what additional flourish, if any, might be right for Houdini, but the only really distinctive closeup thing that comes to mind is the needle trick. Unfortunately, that would make for a very odd looking bust! (Maybe Houdini's expression and the hand gesture from the 1926 souvenir program cover would work, but it might look odd in a sculpture.)

  2. Anyone know what became of the “humbler” cold cast version that Ars Praestigium was apparently selling 10 years ago? It appears that shop no longer exists. These busts are all really incredible.

    1. You can try contacting Peter Close who made these for them.
      As they were on license from AP, unsure whether or not he can help.
