Sunday, May 31, 2020

Arthur Moses reprints the first Houdini & Holmes adventure

Here's something exciting. Arthur Moses has released a new book that examines the 1908 story "Auf den Spuren Houdinis" (On The Trail Of Houdini). This marked the first fictional pairing of Houdini and Sherlock Holmes. The book includes the original German text as well as a never before published English translation. Below are details.

After a performance in Berlin, Germany, Houdini is kidnapped by his lesser rivals. Sherlock Holmes is urgently summoned to Berlin to investigate. Through his masterful deductive reasoning he tracks down the dangerous perpetrators in the nick of time. 
A recreation in its entirety of the German language pulp magazine series Aus den Geheimakten des Welt-Detektivs, featuring the 1908 issue number 101 "Auf den Spuren Houdini's" (On The Trail Of Houdini). Uniting Harry Houdini and Sherlock Holmes, formidable protagonists together, one being a fictional character and the other a living legend of history, is a masterful stroke synchronizing their uniquely charismatic identities. This text focuses on a single 1908 German language publication which brought them together, along with its never before published English translation in addition to later translated foreign language editions based upon the German work. Their two personas are as popular today as ever, with many modern pastiches, comic books and films successfully pairing Houdini and Holmes. 
Other reprints of this title in other foreign languages are represented by reproducing their covers; France, Belgium, Denmark, Mexico, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, and Spain. Sherlock Holmes was the creation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

But it gets even better! Arthur has also released two other separate volumes containing the rare Portuguese versions of this story from 1911 and circa 1920.

Says Arthur, "All 3 will have a great interest for both Houdini and Sherlock Holmes collectors." He has launched a website devoted to the books. All can be purchased from Amazon:

Harry Houdini & Sherlock Holmes Together Again In 1908: Auf Den Spuren Houdinis (On The Trail Of Houdini) 

Harry Houdini & Sherlock Holmes "Extraordinary Adventures of a Secret Police - The Missing Athlete" (Portuguese Edition 1911) 

Harry Houdini & Sherlock Holmes "Extraordinary Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - The Missing Athlete (Portuguese Edition 1920) 
The books can also be found on,,,,, and



    1. Houdini wrote "On the Trail of Houdini."

      1. He did??? Do we know this for certain?

        There is that great 1908 letter that he writes to Holmes as if Holmes was real. I always thought that was curious, but now I see it's likely a tie-in with this story.

        Spill all you know! :)

    2. A copy of the signed letter dated Berlin Oct 27/08 actually appears in the 1908 story.

      1. Oh, well there we go. I've never actually seen the story. But Arthur's book is on the way. :)

    3. I have a copy of the story, but since it's in German, I couldn't read it. Looking forward to getting Arthur's book with the English translation.
