Friday, June 12, 2020

Houdini returning to business

Yesterday while taking a walk before my "Behind the Bookcase" with Mike Caveney (which went well enough that there's talk of a Part 3!), I noticed that some stores in my neighborhood have reopened after being shut down for Covid-19. I haven't walked into a "non-essential" business for months, so I slipped on my mask and went inside the eclectic Mystic Museum on Magnolia Blvd. in Burbank. Here's the first thing I saw. Perfect.

This original oil painting was done by Robert Heckman for a special exhibition on spiritualism. If interested, visit or contact the good folks at the Mystic Museum. They've open!

Other Houdini related reopenings are the Catalina Island Museum, the History Museum at the Castle in Appleton, and the McCord Museum in Montreal. The House of Houdini in Budapest is also preparing to reopen soon.



  1. That's great news John! My barber reopened last week so after a three month hiatus I finally look presentable. How did the second talk go. Will you post any details here?

    1. Second talk went great! Super fun. No details to post really. I did showcase a few things I haven't shared yet on WAH. The first of these, "Houdini's forgotten agent", I working on now and will get up soon.

    2. That's wonderful! No detail is too small to deserve mentioning!

  2. I stopped by Mystic Museum yesterday and noticed this wasn't on the wall where it had been, so presumably sold.
