Monday, August 24, 2020

Taking a break

I'm going to take a short summer break from the blog so I can tend to some real-world whatnot and also mine as much as I can from my one month subscription to The British Newspapers Archive. But don't worry, I won't let any "breaking" Houdini news get past. So here's your chance to catch up on some old posts. It may be a bad year in just about every aspect of life, but it's been a great year for Houdini news. I'll see you in a bit.


  1. hopefully no one handcuffs you while you nap

  2. Enjoy your break! Having only recently discovered your blog, I'm having a ball trying to catch up-so much great stuff here! As comprehensive as anyone could wish. Even your comments are an education. :-)

    1. Thanks Jenny and welcome aboard! Yes, I learn much from the comments myself. Some great people here, now including yourself. :)

  3. I know EXACTLY "how you feel"😞However, don't lose hope😀This nightmare will end with this pendemic but we just don't know when? The pendemic allowed me to be more creative as I had to instruct my magic students from CPNYC.ORG thru "zoom" in my magic office. I feel my creativity is at its peak and it allowed me to enhance my skills,purchase some super effects too. As a performer, having just one paid show for 2020 is a downer for me but I am preparing myself now for many future shows when this nightmare ends. I lost 75% of my hrs. along with pay but O was smart enough to adapt, be flexible with all the changes to my work schedule and workplace fot the sake of my many students. Beibg married dealing with this pendemic has its own "Magic" and magicians out there will be able to "read between the lines." Wearing outdoors daily my mask, face shield, gloves, socially distancing is not an easy task but necessary for this moment in time. Strangely, I provided an increase of over 300% in my charitable giving to others and their org. such as SWIF, St. Joseph's Indian School, 24/7 providing kosher food for hospital patients, and for some Synagogues too. PLEASE find a eay to unwind. I know I miss my daily snorkeling and swimming 52 laps in 30 min. at my local Y in their indoor pool since Mid-March but they were forced to cl9se duevtonthe virus in NYC so, I must be patient until they can reopen? Gaining 10 lbs. being on blood thinners for the rest of my life, loss of my regular work routines, being cooped up for way too many months is not an easy task for mem Seeing how this virus destroyed EVERYTHING in its path "directly and indirectly," I will NOT allow it to destroy me. I am indeed saddened with the loss of over 175,000 lives right here in these United States with 40% of deaths occurring in those dreaded Nursing Homes but ALL of us MUST remain strong for the sake of our loved ones and ourselves. You and I must remain vigilant and keep our guard up in regard to this virus but NEVER lose the magic that is within us and that we share with others. It's good for you to take a break so, my friend, ENJOY😀Benjilini🎩🐰😷

    1. Thanks Benjilini. But I don't want people to think this is a reflection of me losing hope. Not at all. I've actually been very fortunate and have been able to weather these crazy months well. In fact, I'm back at work and restarting that machine is something I want to give proper attention to. That and the British Newspapers site! But thank you for your inspirational words and I hope and you and yours stay safe and strong. And that goes for everyone!

  4. I'll be back to posting on the 1st. Funny, I thought a little break would free up my mind, but it actually stresses me out a bit. I feel like I'm grounded and just sitting in my room counting the days 'till I can get back out and play! But I have been able to get through all the UK years on the British newspapers site and have found much gold to share. :)

    1. Panning for HH golden nuggets like a grizzled old 49ner.
