Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Houdini's own Mirror Challenge

Here's a terrific news item from the March 21, 1904 London Daily Mirror. This is only four days after Houdini's famous escape from the inescapable Mirror Handcuff. I love the detail that he arrived at the newspaper office with wrestler George Hackenschmidt "to protect me." The idea of these two guys palling around London together is just great. I also like the "click bait" headline. Anyway, enjoy.

A few people did take up Houdini's challenge, but as far as I know, no one succeeded in opening the Mirror Handcuff.


  1. Love it! And the next day at the Hippodrome, Houdini followed up his challenge to the world:
    “by defying all and sundry to step into the arena and pick the lock of the wonderful [Tatler] handcuff from which he escaped Thursday. Mr. Houdini went on to state that the [David Copperfield] Mirror Handcuffs were on view in a show case at the Hippodrome, and that anyone who boasted his ability to pick the lock within the stipulated time limit, had only to come forward.”

  2. Fantastic find John. Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Another great find! This was Harry's approach to managing his career. Perform a miracle and afterwards defy the world to follow suit. Miracles are not easy to duplicate.
