Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Q The Automaton to make you crazy

Yes, this is an actual Q The Automaton working toy from Houdini's The Master Mystery. Yes, these are made to be sold and even come in assorted colors. And, no, I have no idea how to buy one! And I need it! I need Q!!!!


Everything I know comes from a 2018 forum post at Alphadrome. So if builder Brian Hayes is reading this, let's put some money in your pocket and some Qs in the hands of Houdini fanatics!

"This is the model of a wonderful invention."

Thanks to Kevin Connolly at the Conjuring History Facebook Group for the alert.


  1. I did find this file to print a non-articulating version: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4595025

  2. I realize from the images you probably know this, but as of 2018, they were available for $150 each.

  3. how do we contact the seller/maker

  4. I neeeeeeed it! It’s so cute! So my little Houdini figure can it to the death! Hehe!

