Sunday, October 4, 2020

Houdini and Kellar photo flies away with $341

An unpublished photo of Houdini and Harry Kellar standing with one of the airplanes on the set of The Grim Game sold on eBay today for $341.66. This is far less than I expected, so I'd say whoever won this should be very happy. The photo came from the Brown Brothers Photo Archive.

By the way, it's very likely Houdini is hiding a cast on his left wrist behind Kellar's head.


  1. Wow! I love unpublished Houdini photos, especially from his movie days. Incredible score for someone.

    1. Dang it, I was hoping you were the one who got this, Joe. This seems to have flown under everyone's radar. I'm kicking myself now for not putting in a bid. But I fully expected it to shoot up to $500-$600 in the last seconds.
