Tuesday, November 10, 2020

10th Anniversary: Launch day!

It was 10 years ago on November 10, 2010 at 10AM that I launched WILD ABOUT HARRY. I had already launched a Houdini website called Houdini Lives! in 2006. My original plan was to use Blogger to create a news aggregator for Houdini Lives and other magic websites. In fact, I originally called this new site HOUDINI HEADLINES. But it quickly became clear to me that I could do so much more with the Blogger interface, so I changed the name and began migrating all my Houdini Lives content to this new site and writing new posts. And I've never stopped!


  1. John Cox: Happy 10th Anniversary, and Congratulations!

  2. Happy anniversary!


  3. Amazing! Happy 10th Anniversary and keep up the fantastic work

  4. Happy Anniversary,,, keep up the great stuff, enjoy this everyday,, Tim LaGanke, Novelty, Ohio

  5. Congratulations and thank you for everything. Long may it carry on.

  6. Congratulations! Excellent work much appreciated!! --Dale from Cleveland

  7. Congratulations, John! It's been a wild ride along with this blog - all the great discussions and mind-blowing revelations. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication!

  8. For John, a man I have known for many years. I would be remiss if I didn't wish you a hearty "MAZEL TOV!🤗 Since our mutual appearance on "The Official Houdini Virtual Zoom Seance 2020" on Oct. 31st, I performed live as part of the PA#1 show on "zoom" on Thur., Nov. 5th. Yesterday, I led the "Hebrew with English translation Memorial Service at the gravesite of "Houdini" on his Hebrew Yahrtzeit which is on the 23rd of Hebrew month called, Marcheshvan. This fell out on Tue., Nov. 10th in 2020. 17 of us attended "The Annual Houdini Broken Wand Ceremony" at his gravesite and the ceremony was conducted at 1:26pm. It seems I am on a "roll" and, amazingly, I don't know why? I will be interviewed G-d willing on a program called "Sessions" later this month. The producer contacted me based on my work in magic and for the work I continue to do for various communities. Maybe, its my age-I'm 60 now? I would like you to feature me on your site for historical purposes. There seems to be much interest lately concerning me for those in our magic community? I am sure YOU will find interest in me too.🤗Contact me at your convenience at: 917-331-0377 *Something good is happening to me performance and publicity wise during this pendemic? So, I am extending myself to you and your wonderful and ALWAYS insightful sight. Once again, "MAZEL TOV! By the way, I have been on my 2nd job "Children of Promise" CPNYC.ORG an after-school and summer program for children of incarcerated parents teaching numerous magic classes weekly for 5/10 years. Currently, they are in the midst of celebrating their "10th" year too! 10 years for CPNYC.ORG, 10 years for me working with these wonderful children, and 10 years for your on-going site🤗

  9. TEN YEAR UPDATE: 4,625 posts. 16,878 comments. 7,378,715 page views.

    No one in history has done more to promote Houdini's legacy, than you.

    Other than Houdini himself!

    Congratulations and and onward to another ten years.

    Dick Brookz and Dorothy Dietrich
    The Houdini Museum, Tour and Magic Show, Scranton, PA.
    The Only Building in the World Dedicated to Houdini

  10. Thanks for all the kind words everyone. Means a lot of me that you all enjoy what I do here. Here's to the next 10 years! :)
