Saturday, November 14, 2020

No Such Thing As A Fish hooks Houdini

Houdini is one of the topics on the popular UK podcast, No Such Thing As A Fish, hosted by Dan Schreiber, James Harkin, Andrew Hunter Murray, and Anna Ptaszynski. I was thrilled to hear WAH get a very nice shout-out, and their Houdini segment is a lot of fun. However, I have no idea where they got the information that you enter David Copperfield's Las Vegas museum through a "sex shop." You enter through a re-creation of his father's tailor shop (as we know). But maybe they fell prey to a Wikipedia prankster.

You can listen to Episode 347 "No Such Thing as a Bacon Scented Mask" at Apple Podcasts or the No Such Thing as a Fish website.

Thanks to Adam Cole for the alert.

1 comment:

  1. I remember reading years ago that the museum was somewhere behind a women's lingerie store. It was something like a Victoria's Secret store. Not a sex shop.
