Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Scottish Rite Journal reveals Houdini the Mason

The January-February 2021 issue of Scottish Rite Journal, a magazine devoted to Freemasonry, has a cover story about Houdini's involvement with the Order. "The Sorcerer's Entered Apprentice" is written by Maynard Edwards and is well researched.

I'm not sure where one gets Scottish Rite Journal, but you can read the issue in full at the Scottish Rite website. Just keep it secret!

UPDATE: The author of this article has provided a revised and updated version as a Guest Blog HERE.


  1. A well written article! According to the writer near the end of the article, HH performed a charity benefit show in 1926 for a crowd of 4,000 at a Scottish cathedral. Not in the 1926 Chronology.

    1. Hmmm...looks like I don't have a date for that. :(

    2. You might remember this post where you mentioned that Scottish cathedral performance for 4,000. I can't find the date on the web so far:

    3. Yeah, I suspect the author of this article and I are both sourcing the Mill Valley website, which I believe is sourcing the Knights Templer article from 1988. Still need a precise date and to confirm that it actually happened.

  2. Well written with some errors in dating but I understand. The new info comes on the last page with Houdini's name being listed in the Mason Book for swearing in and accepted as a member. Also, the "Invisible Lodge" is mentioned. At a past SAM Annual Convention, the above lodge was holding a meeting and asked me to join to become a member. However, I did not join due to my Judaic principles. The above issue Jan/Feb. issue also, discusses the Kabbalistic tree with its eminations which defines "what we as Jews strive to live up to." An article "hidden" within an article. Like to get a copy of this journal. Benjilini

  3. I am the writer of the above article. A few things:

    First, an upcoming issue of the journal will list the proposer dates of Houdini’s Masonic associations, and will include documentation. The article as printed was an early draft, missing quite a bit of research. It was published in error. Like many other offices there is a little disorganization caused by COVID. Corrections are forthcoming. Regardless of what any texts may say, Houdini became a Shriner in 1924 NOT 1926 as is usually reported.

    Secondly, Houdini did NOT perform at the Scottish Rite cathedral. I suspect that was a long reported and repeated error. But it never occurred, and if it did there is no record of it anywhere.

    Next, I seriously doubt anyone ASKED anyone to join the invisible lodge. I am a member of the IL. You must already be a Mason to join the IL, and masons in the United States are not permitted to ASK anyone to join. That is why we say “to be one ask one”. It is upon the individual to ask to join a lodge. Perhaps you misunderstood some one discussing it with you. But no one would ever ask you to join a lodge. Particularly not the invisible lodge. It’s not actually a “lodge” but rather a club for master masons who are also magicians.

    Finally, we have many men who are of the Jewish faith in Freemasonry. We are open to men of all faiths. Judaic principles are not in contrast with Freemasonry anymore than are Christian, Muslim or Buddhist Principles.

    Should you have any questions, feel free to email me

    1. Thank you Maynard. I've just posted your updated article/guest blog HERE for all to read. Wonderful work!

    2. Well--that answered the question about HH performing for 4,000 at the Scottish Cathedral. Too bad, it would have been a glorious show.

    3. My Mom when she was alive belonged to "The Order of the Eastern Stars." She was awarded a few times as "Queen Esther!" She raised many thousands of dollars for her lodge for theor charitable causes. Also, I attended sime of her functions at the Masonic Lodge in bed-stuy, Brooklyn, NY 11216.
