Friday, April 9, 2021

Copperfield acquires Houdini (1953) head chopper

Today is the 90th birthday of Magic Castle co-founder Milt Larsen. For the occasion, the AMA held a star-studded birthday celebration on ZOOM. One of those stars was David Copperfield, who told Milt he had just acquired the Lester Lake head chopper that Milt's brother, William Larsen Jr., famously performs in the 1953 biopic Houdini.

I've always wondered if this still existed. Happy to hear that it does and is now part of the Copperfield collection.


  1. By the way, DC ticked off several other famous connections to this prop. It is definitely the Hollywood Head Chopper.

  2. Oh man! We totally forgot to tune in.

  3. I forgot that I had one of those hand guillotines for my act when I was a kid.
