Friday, July 23, 2021

Sling shot

Here's another unpublished (reproduction) photograph I recently acquired. This one shows Houdini with co-star Ann Forrest and director Irvin Willat on the set of The Grim Game in 1919. But what makes this image special is it shows Houdini with his arm in a sling. This is only the second shot I've ever seen that captures Houdini in his sling.

Houdini had broken his wrist while making the movie in late June and wore a cast for a number of weeks. In most photos taken at that time he is careful to remove the sling and cover up his cast. But not this time. Maybe that's why he doesn't look happy. Ann Forrest, on the other hand, looks lovely.

Houdini's accident was reported in the June 27, 1919 Los Angeles Times, which somewhat downplayed the injury.


  1. Wow! Congrats on acquiring these unpublished photos and thanks for sharing. Love it!
    For reference, the other photo of Houdini in a sling can be seen on page 98 of Christopher’s Houdini A Pictorial Life.

    1. You can also see that other sling shot in my top related post link.

      I got a couple other Grim Game stills you might like, Joe. :)

    2. Film stardom cost Harry two left wrist fractures. Stunt work was still in its infancy and CGI was light years away.

  2. Can't wait to see the other Grim Game stills. BTW: That is Ann Forrest not Gladys Leslie co-starring with Houdini, lol.

    1. Holy smokes! What a crazy mistake. See, I'm much too exhausted by my real work these days to even attempt a simple post. Thanks for letting me know, Joe. (I'll text you the other GG pics when I get them scanned.)

  3. Looks like he's holding a cigarette, I thought Houdini refrained from smoking? Great job as usual!

    1. I noticed that too! I think it's just a trick of the light.
