Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Purchase David Muller's 'Growing Up With Houdini'

The book Growing Up With Houdini, David Muller's wonderful remembrance of his family and the creation of the Houdini Magical Hall of Fame, can now be purchased directly from the official website growingupwithhoudini.com. There you can also see some incredible pics, such as the below photo of Sidney Radner and Walter B. Gibson with a familiar Houdini prop.

Growing Up With Houdini tells the story of how the Muller family fled the Nazis and their native Slovakia to settle in Niagara Falls, Canada. There Henry Muller created the Houdini Magical Hall of Fame in 1968. The book contains many rare photographs and documents that have never been shared before. David also reveals a wild early connection between the museum and Doug Henning.

Purchase Growing Up With Houdini at growingupwithhoudini.com.

Monday, November 29, 2021

The Houdini Picture Corporation's last stand

Here's an interesting trade advertisement that is as much an ad for the Houdini Picture(s) Corporation as it is for its latest (and last) production, Haldane of the Secrets Service

It fascinating to see Houdini promoting his film company at this particular time. The company had been formed in February 1921 with a $500,000 capitalization and a plan to produce four movies a year. But by November 1923, when this ad appeared in Moving Picture World, the HPC had only made two films and had vacated its offices in the Candler Building on 42nd Street and was now located inside Houdini's home.

Perhaps after making his distribution deal with Film Booking Offices of America, Houdini thought there might be life in his film business after all. This ad certainly seems to point to a new future. Notice how it says that "Houdini Productions" (plural) are distributed by FBO. Also remember this post about Houdini planning a film version of Miracle Mongers and Their Methods.

However, Haldane of the Secret Service would be the only Houdini Picture distributed by FBO (which would be folded into the new RKO in 1928), and this marked the last stand for the Houdini Picture Corporation. The HPC remained one of Houdini's several dormant companies until his death. In December 1936 the state of New York dissolved the corporation for failing to pay its franchise taxes.

Interestingly, the Houdini Picture Corporation did live again. In 1996 Geno Munari of Houdini's Magic Shop and collector Sid Radner revived the company name with plans to produced magic instructional videos. I'm not sure where the company stands today, but I love the logo!

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Magic Detective Podcast: The Houdini Wonder Show

Dean Carnegie devoted his annual Houdini-Halloween episode of The Magic Detective Podcast to The Houdini Wonder Show. Dean has done groundbreaking research on these magic units that traveled with Houdini's The Man From Beyond. If you've never heard of the Wonder Show, click below and have a listen:

Ep. 71: The Houdini Wonder Show


Saturday, November 27, 2021

Houdini by Huck

Dean Huck is an artist from Las Vegas who specializes in photorealistic artwork in colored pencil. Dean is a magic buff and has done several works featuring contemporary magicians such as Shimada and Penn & Teller. Of course, he's also essayed Houdini. Three of those works you can see below.

For more Houdini images and to see Dean's other works check out the website ArtWanted.com.


Friday, November 26, 2021

Where's Harry? (Updates)

Ok, here's today's obsession. The below image is an enlarged detail from a terrific unpublished photo in the Kevin Connolly Collection. This banner at laid across a large Houdini poster. I'm pretty certain this is advertising a spiritualism lecture on March 15, 1924. But the question is where?

It appears the answer may be in the two words above the word "AUDITORIUM." Can anyone make this out? I think the second word might be "Beach"? Know that Houdini was in Atlanta on March 13 and he's in Florida on March 17. So this would fall somewhere between those geographically (and could very well be Florida).

Click to enlarge.

There is one other clue. This same photo also shows a poster for opera singer Amelita Galli-Curci appearing at this same "Auditorium" on March 19, 1924. So if we can't find Houdini on the 15th, maybe we can find Galli-Curci in the 19th? I've actually been able to locate her in Charleston on March 21. So, again, we clearly seem to be somewhere in this region.

Let's find Harry!

UPDATE: There's a fast consensus forming around this reading "Daytona Beach". And there are some facts that help support this. The original Peabody Auditorium in Daytona Beach was a venue used by the Lyceum circuit which booked Houdini's lecture tour. I've also confirmed that Amelita Galli-Curci appeared there in March 1926. Until we know for sure, I'm not going to close myself off to other possibilities. But this is exciting as it would be the first confirmed appearance of Houdini in Florida.

The Auditorium in Daytona Beach, Florida.

Thanks to David Charvet, Joe Fox, and Narinder Chadda.

UPDATE 2: Chris Berry over at Kevin Connolly's Conjuring History Facebook Group has confirmed Daytona Beach! He uncovered an ad for Amelita Galli-Curci's appearance in the Orlando Sentential. Thank you, Chris, for helping us find Houdini in Florida.

UPDATE 3: I've now found a second Florida appearance in Jacksonville. Details on my Patreon below.


Thursday, November 25, 2021

Houdini's last Thanksgiving

Here we are back in Providence! In November 1925 Houdini brought his "3 Shows in One" to the Providence Opera House. It was Thanksgiving week and the ad below shows that he gave a special matinee performance on Thanksgiving Day. He also performed a one hour show for inmates at the State Prison. This was Houdini's last Thanksgiving.

Providence Journal, Nov. 27, 1925

Thanks to Lanham Bundy of the Providence Public Library for uncovering the article about Houdini's prison performance. The Opera House advert is from a collection of clippings that sold on eBay back in 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

LINK: Anniversary of Houdini’s visit to Garnett noted as moment of change for famous performer

Here's a well-research article by our friend Don Creekmore about The Houdinis 1897 appearance in Garnett, Kansas. Don is writing a book about Houdini in Kansas due for release in 2023, so this offers a nice taste of what's to come. Click the headline to have a read at The Anderson County Review.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Manny and Me

In the summer of 1980 a local newspaper, The Valley News, ran a story about me headlined, "Teen Obsessed With Houdini." It was pretty exciting to see my picture in the newspaper and I enjoyed my fifteen minutes of fame at age 15. But that article did something more. It led to my meeting Manny Weltman and entering a larger world of Houdini fanatics from which I've never emerged. I've never done a post about my first Manny meeting. But I recently had an experience that brought it all back for me. So I think it's time to tell the story.

It was shortly after my newspaper article appeared that I received a message to visit the office at my Junior High School. I went thinking I was in some kind of trouble. But it turned out that a man had called the school and asked if he could get a message to me. He left his name (written down incorrectly as Wellman) and a phone number. And to prove he was legit, he said his name could be found in the acknowledgments of the recently published Doug Henning book about Houdini.

I brought the message home to my parents. My mother was always leery of strangers, especially after my newfound notoriety, but my dad was always up for an adventure, so we called this mysterious Manny Weltman.

Manny explained that he had seen the article in the newspaper and I reminded him of himself. He said he had large collection of Houdini memorabilia that he showed no one. But if we were interested, he would be willing to show me. He gave us his address in nearby Van Nuys and we made a plan to visit.

The day was June 8, 1980. My memory of that day is spotty, but what I can recall I recall vividly. It was a small house on a large plot of land -- a type of home that had been common in the San Fernando Valley, but even then were beginning to vanish into tightly packed suburbs. As we arrived I immediately noticed a car out front with a license plate that read HUDINI. Good start!

Manny invited us inside and there we met his wife Nanette. I instantly spotted an original Houdini King of Cards poster hanging on the wall of his dining room. It was my first time seeing an original and I was surprised to see the colors were not as vibrant as the Lee Jacobs reproduction handing on my bedroom wall at home. But this one was framed and it was real! My education had begun.

We sat around the dining room table and Manny, who was very friendly, again stressed that he never showed his collection to anyone. He also said the bulk of it was "in storage," but he had a lot there to show us. Even then I was pretty sure his only "storage" was the back bedroom where he would periodically disappear and come out with a fresh box filled with Houdiniana.

His collection was not organized as far as I could tell. Everything was held in cardboard boxes that we dug through. But there were treasures to be found, such as an original invitation to the Final Houdini Seance. At one point Manny gave me a reproduction photograph which I still have today. But the real show stopper was when he brought out Houdini's diary. This was the famous 1916 diary that had somehow escaped the Ernst archive and wound up with Manny. We paged through it and read several passages, including the famous passage in which Houdini reflects on the death of his father. Needless to say, this was an incredible thing to be able to see, and to this day it remains one of the most precious Houdini artifacts I've ever held in my own hands. And at age 15!

Nanette served us lunch and Manny explained that his other great passion was opera. He wrote a newsletter on the subject. He was also very excited to share that he had uncovered proof that Houdini was not the first man to fly in Australia and he would soon publish this information. I privately wondered why Manny would be excited to prove Houdini didn't do something. Ultimately he never did publish the story.

We then settled into the living room where Manny had a projector and screen setup. Manny was a go-to source for Houdini film footage at this time, and this was a big part of his collection. He began running film for us. I wish I could better recall all that I saw that day, but I know I was overwhelmed. I'm pretty sure I saw The Grim Game plane crash (likely this was the "Desperate Chances" short). But what I remember most was the sound footage of Bess Houdini from Religious Racketeers. I had no idea such a thing existed and to hear Bess speak really knocked my socks off!

Now, my dad was (and is) a shrewd businessman, and he sensed there was an ulterior motive here -- that Manny might be interested in selling us some items from his collection. So he asked Manny about this. In my Houdini-fueled brain I didn't believe a collector would ever part with anything. A collection was sacred. But to my astonishment, Manny was open to the idea. However, he said he could never sell any items piecemeal; it would need to be the entire collection as one. Manny and my dad agreed to keep talking.

So began my decades long comradeship with Manny Weltman. He became my first mentor in the Houdini world. He would frequently call to share a new Houdini find. I'll never forget the day he called excited to tell me he had just acquired a recording of Houdini's voice. He played it for me over the telephone and that was the first time I ever heard Houdini's voice. In 1986 Manny helped organize the 50th Anniversary reenactment of the Final Houdini Seance and he made sure I was invited.

As far as buying the collection.... It was an on and off negotiation for years. One problem was we never really knew all that he had. Even as a kid I wondered why I hadn't seen bookcases packed with Houdini books in their original dust jackets, etc. In fact, I never saw any books! But there was no question there was great value in some to the rarities he did have, and at one point my dad offered him $30,000. But Manny felt the collection was worth "millions." My dad confessed he suspected Manny never intended to sell. But he never gave up and Manny would frequently call and ask if there was still interest. We never made that deal. But I still got a lot from my friendship with Manny Weltman.

I lost touch with Manny in the 1990s when Houdini took a back seat to my first jobs in the entertainment industry. I was saddened to learn of his passing in May 1994. His son, actor Leo Weltman, inherited the collection, and much of it was sold at a Swann auction on Halloween 2002 (the auction catalog cover featured his King of Cards poster). The diary sold to my friend and new mentor, Dr. Bruce Averbook.

Leo Weltman passed away last year. (Please visit The Leo Weltman Project website.) And that brings me to why Manny has been much on my mind lately.

Last July I was invited back to that same Van Nuys house to help sort some remaining Houdini items that hadn't sold in the Swann auction. It was quite an experience to return after 31 years. I was amazed that the house hadn't changed. Except now it was my car in the driveway with the HOUDINI license plate.

Inside was the same dining room table where I had paged through Houdini's diary. There were also still the cardboard boxes filled with Houdiniana. For my efforts I was able to buy a few items, including Manny's mockup of the Houdini Shrine used at the 1986 seance and a small cache of photos that I have been sharing over the past few months. (Several high-end rarities discovered that day will appear in an upcoming Potter & Potter auction.)

Before I left I was able to see that phantom back bedroom. There in a box I found a lone flyer for Manny's Houdini lecture (shared at the top of this post). It struck me that this is the same type of lecture I now give. I understand now that Manny was not really a collector of Houdini memorabilia. He was a collector of Houdini information. A seeker of the truth about Houdini. So Manny was right. We really are similar. In that moment I once again felt special and selected. I'll never forget that day nor the generosity of Manny Weltman.

Monday, November 22, 2021

LINK: Ex-Library Houdini Book: Connection to the Past

With all the Halloween happenings, I somehow missed this wonderful post by Tom Interval at Interval Magic. If you did as well, click the headline and have a read. I think we can all relate to this one!

Saturday, November 20, 2021

The Scandinavian tour that wasn't

Here's an interesting item from the New York Clipper that provides new insight into Houdini's ill-fated Scandinavian tour of 1913. It also challenges conventional wisdom about exactly where Houdini was when his tour came to its sudden end. But we'll get to that.

New York Clipper, July 12, 1913

Of course, most of what was announced did not happen. That's because on July 17 Houdini's mother died and he immediately returned to New York (breaking his contract which had consequences as you'll read below). The three month Scandinavian tour was canceled and so too much of the tour of France. Houdini did honor his commitment to the Moss circuit in the UK the following year. Notice the mention of an "entire two hour show." I can only assume this is his Grand Magical Revue. It's interesting to see it was planned this early.

What's strange is the mention of Houdini playing Stockholm, Sweden, on July 16-18. Biographers have all put Houdini in Copenhagen when he received the news of his mother's death on July 17. That ain't Sweden!

It's possible plans changed or the paper got it wrong. But the below article from the New York Evening World announcing Houdini return to New York also says he was "called from Sweden." By the way, the "double" who was arrested was Jim Collins.

New York Evening World, July 29, 1913

Despite this, the evidence for Copenhagen is strong. Milbourne Christopher in Houdini The Untold Story has many details that confirms the location, including the fact that Princes Aage and Axel of the Danish Royal Family attended Houdini's show.

In 1990 Danish magician and collector Johan Ahlberg visited the Royal Library archives and uncovered newspaper accounts that confirmed Houdini's 1913 appearance in Denmark. Houdini opened on July 16 at the Cirkus Building in central Copenhagen. He was scheduled to give a special matinee the following day, July 17, but moments before the show he received the news of his mother's death and collapsed.

The Cirkus Building still stands today. So it was in the building that Houdini began and ended his 1913 Scandinavian tour, and received the worst news of his life.

UPDATE: Our friend David Merlini of The House of Houdini has provided information on another hitherto unknown stop on this tour. On August 16 Houdini was scheduled to appear with the Beketow Circus in Budapest! This would have marked his first and likely only professional appearance in his home town.


Friday, November 19, 2021

The Linking Ring is Wild about Tom Interval

Here's some great news from our friend Tom Interval of Interval Magic. I'll let his tweet speak for itself:

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Steve Canyon's Grim Game

Steve Canyon was an adventure comic strip written and illustrated by Milton Caniff that ran from January 13, 1947 until June 4, 1988. Below is an installment from 1984 with a signed notation thanking the late great Houdini collector and historian Manny Weltman for his help with a reference to The Grim Game.

I don't think I need to explain that what Steve is recalling is the climatic airplane action from Houdini's 1919 film. You can read more about that via the links below. And watch for my own personal remembrance of Manny Weltman coming soon.

Thanks to Joe Fox.


Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Suspended straitjacket escape in Providence? (UPDATES)

This footage is identified as Houdini doing a suspended straitjacket escape in Providence, Rhode Island, in September 1924. Houdini did indeed play Providence the week of September 15-21, 1924, so evidence of this escape shouldn't be hard to find. However, I've not been able to find any newspaper account or other mention that confirms the date and location of this escape. But it's still a fantastic piece of film.

Any research sleuths out there want to take up the challenge of verifying this escape? As I said, Houdini played Providence the week of September 15, 1924. But another candidate would be the week of November 23, 1925. (Houdini did a suspended straitjacket in Providence on March 7, 1917, but this is clearly Houdini in the 1920s so we can discount that one.) 

Or this could be misidentified and a different city entirely?

He always keeps us guessing!

This clip is from a compilation of Houdini footage from the George Eastman House on the "Houdini The Movie Star" DVD set.

UPDATE: Thanks to reader Dave and the always resourceful Bill Mullins, we can now confirm this footage was shot in Providence. Bill and Dave cleverly used the names of businesses glimpsed in the background (Liggett Druggist and Dart & Bigelow) to establish that Houdini is doing the escape on Westminster Street in front of the offices of the Providence Tribune (the building seen flying the American flag below). Bill has also provided a map from the time.

Click to enlarge.

Today a modern office building stands on the sight at 40 Westminster Street.

So all that remains for us to discover now is the date!

UPDATE 2: Date discovered! This occurred on September 18, 1924. Thank you to Claire Stretch, great-grandaughter of Foster Lardner, who can be seen in the video standing beside Houdini with a camera. Read more about Lardner's photo albums HERE.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

"The good old days"

Here's my final excerpt from High Lights in the Strenuous Career of Harry Houdini, Edited and Compiled by Houdini's Brother Hardeen. This footage has never been seen before. It shows Hardeen and his family getting into a car in front of their Flatbush home. As the title card says, "These were the good old days."

At the very start of the clip one can see Houdini and Harry Kellar chatting in the background. So this was likely shot at the same time as the more well-known Houdini-Kellar footage.

Thanks to escape artist Rick Maisel for allowing me to share this rare footage. A playlist of these clips can be found on the WILD ABOUT HARRY YouTube Channel.


Monday, November 15, 2021

Houdini cameo in The Lottery Man?

Here's a nice bit of Houdini Hollywood trivia. If I am reading this item correctly from the September 6, 1919 issue of Motion Picture News, Houdini made a cameo in the 1919 movie The Lottery Man starring Wallace Reid. Or at least he was there on Hollywood Blvd the day of this shoot. Whether he is visible in the movie we may never know as The Lottery Man is now a lost film.

Why would Houdini do this? The Lottery Man was produced by Jesse L. Lasky who made Houdini's two Hollywood productions. This would have been around the time Houdini returned to Hollywood to begin work on his second feature, Terror Island, with Lottery Man director James Cruze. So it was all in the Famous Players family!

Check out the links below for more Houdini in Hollywood.

Sunday, November 14, 2021

LINK: Cats in Juxtaposition

Houdini and cats? Yes please!

Click the headline to see this full original artwork by Dyanne Brown juxtaposing Houdini's Double Fold Death Defying Mystery with an American Bobtail.

Thanks to Barry Spector for this find. Barry has also found inspiration in the Double Fold box and is currently working on a new Houdini house wood creation.


Saturday, November 13, 2021

LINK: When Harry Houdini came to Williamsport

Here's a nice article by Don Everett Smith Jr. about Houdini's spiritualism lecture in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, in October 1924. Click the headline to have a read at On The Pulse.

The Chaplin-Keaton-Lloyd (and Houdini) Alley video

Exciting news for silent movie buffs and fan of Hollywood history. The famous alley off Cahuenga Blvd in Hollywood has now been officially named the Chaplin-Keaton-Lloyd Alley. The below video, made for last month's Silent Movie Day gives a rundown of all the famous silent films shot in the alley, including Houdini's The Grim Game!

The recognition and naming of the Chaplin-Keaton-Lloyd Alley was thanks to the efforts of silent movie historian John Bengtson and Hollywood Heritage. (John is also the guy who identified the alley in The Grim Game.) You can watch a video of the September 29, 2021 dedication ceremony HERE.

Friday, November 12, 2021

"America's Sensation!" on display at the NYPL

The New York Public Library currently has on display a rare 1900 Houdini "America's Sensation!" poster as part of their Treasures exhibition. Also in the display is the certification of Houdini's handcuff escape at St. Louis police headquarters on August 28, 1899. Treasures indeed!

For more information and a nice image of the poster check out the NYPL website.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Houdini's hit list

One of Houdini's more aggressive tactics in his crusade against fraudulent spirt mediums was to publish their names and addresses in the local papers and publicly challenge them to attend his show and demonstrate their abilities. The below is one of those ads from February 22, 1926 when Houdini was making a two-day appearance at the Orpheum Theater in Reading, Pennsylvania.

Click to enlarge.

Below are the mediums Houdini called out. I've added a Google Map links to their address, some of which look like they could be the same buildings from 1926. Do their spirits remain?

Rev. Sada Louise Hand.....231 Clymer Street
Miss Sarah Hendricks.......1743 Perkiomen Ave.
Mr. Richards.....540 S. 12th Street
Walter Gross.....526 S. 9th Street
Rev. S.M. Ellwanger.....117 N. 5th Street

The only person to appear at the theater was Rev. S.M. Ellwanger. But she came to explain she was not a medium as the ad claimed. Houdini admitted from the stage that his operative had made a mistake. (You can read a full account of that HERE.)

Interestingly, Houdini had warned that he would be sending his "secret service" into Reading to suss out mediums. This is from the Reading Times, Feb. 16, 1926.

Houdini's two-day appearance in Reading was untypical short engagement for his full evening 3 Shows in One. He would finish out the remainder of the week in York, PA, where, as far as I know, he did not issue a hit list. 

Below is the Orpheum Theater in Reading as it appeared in Houdini's time.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Is Houdini about to join the MCU?

If you saw Disney-Marvel's Eternals this weekend you may have spotted a surprise during the end credits. When the credit for Lia McHugh appears, it is set against a large Houdini poster. It's not a real Houdini poster. It's a mock-up created for the movie and features what appears to be Lia's character Sprite beside the great magician.

So what's this all about? Well, the character of Sprite is a centuries old "eternal" who like all the eternals has helped shape human history. Sprite possesses powers of magic and illusion, so presumably she assisted Houdini at some point. But the reference is so prominent that I'm wondering if this is a setup for a future Eternals movie or even a Sprite spin-off series? So is Houdini about to join the MCU?

Eternals isn't the only new release to feature a glimpse of a Houdini poster. In Paramount's Clifford The Big Red Dog we see a "Do Spirits Return?" poster hanging in the apartment of an amateur magician played by comedian Russell Peters.

UPDATE: Here is the poster as it appears in Eternals. This image comes from Screen Rant who also tackled the question of Houdini's cameo.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

LINK: Prohibition Detroit looks at "Hoo-doo Town"

The blog Prohibition Detroit has a nice 3-part article by Mickey Lyons about Houdini and Detroit. Each installment includes images from local papers, including the caricature on the right from the 1975 Detroit Free Press. Click each link below to go:

Friday, November 5, 2021

2021 seances keep Houdini's spirit alive

The 2021 Houdini Seance season is complete. This year saw The Official Houdini Seance held in Chicago at Potter & Potter auctions. Once again Harry decided to skip the event, but all the other usual suspects were on hand. According to Bill Radner, who kindly provided the below images, it was another grand evening in celebration of Houdini.

Meanwhile, The Original Houdini Seance by Dorothy Dietrich and Dick Brookz was held virtually from the Houdini Museum in Scranton. The stream attracted some 200 viewers at its peak. There were some strange goings on. A picture of a Water Torture Cell poster fell over and the museum was hit with a mysterious blackout mid-seance. Was that Harry trying to be heard? (You can read more about this seance at Interval Magic.)

Guess we'll all try again next year. But these seances and their popularity just prove Houdini is alive and well in 2021!


Thursday, November 4, 2021

Houdini by Wolfinger

Check out this terrific original Houdini artwork by Terry Wolfinger. The artist has illustrated covers of Famous Monsters magazine with striking images of the classic Universal monsters, so what a treat to see Houdini get the Wolfinger treatment. This art was originally created as a commission, but it's now available as a limited edition print. For details contact Terry Wolfinger via his official website.

If you live in the Los Angeles area, know that one of these framed prints (3/100) is currently for sale at Halloween Town in Burbank where Wolfinger exhibits his work.


Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Watch Houdini's (complete) overboard box escape

Here's another excerpt from 'High Lights in the Strenuous Career of Harry Houdini, Edited and Compiled by Houdini's Brother Hardeen'.

Here is what appears to be the complete footage of a Houdini overboard box escape. This runs 2 minutes longer than the restoration I attempted back in 2011. This also confirms the identifies of the other magicians seen in the video. Enjoy.

What this footage doesn't do is offer any clue as to where and when this escape took place. But we can see doughboys in the crowd, which suggests this is during the war years. You'll notice Houdini is making a speech before being closed in the crate. Any lip readers among us?

This remains the only known footage of this iconic Houdini escape.

Thanks to escape artist Rick Maisel for allowing me to share this rare footage. A playlist of these clips can be found on the WILD ABOUT HARRY YouTube Channel.

UPDATE: I've now identified when and where this escape took place. Read: Houdini's overboard box footage identified at last!


Monday, November 1, 2021

Did Houdini return?

Tomorrow, November 2, I will be joining magician and fellow Houdini nut Jessica Jane live on the IBM Facebook page at 6pm Pacific / 9pm Eastern for a recap of Halloween events and what I'm sure will be a lively discussion of all things HOUDINI. Hope you can join us!

UPDATE: That was tremendous fun. Jessica is WILD about Harry indeed. And special surprise guests George Hardeen and Lee Terbosic! A great way to wrap up the 2021 Houdini-Halloween season. Thanks to everyone who joined. You can watch the full chat HERE.
