Thursday, July 28, 2022

Houdini's Unmasking on Pawn Stars

Houdini is back on Pawn Stars. Well, this is actually from 2014, but it was just uploaded to the Pawn Stars YouTube channel. I won't spoil the suspense, but I'm pretty sure the only thing real about this segment is the signature.

Thanks to Roberto Mansilla for the alert.


  1. Despite the condition of the book, a page with an inscription, notes, full signature and also initials rates more than the $1,500 he offered.

    1. Definitely low, even for 2014. But no retailer is going to pay top dollar. But $5000 in 2014 was also way too optimistic.

  2. The pawn stars are a joke the worst. We know its worth way more.

  3. Sorry if the way I wrote this caused confusion. The book AND signature are 100% genuine. I meant everything about the SHOW seems fake to me. Or at least staged. I'm just cynical about Reality TV.

    1. So, are you trying to say that they don't actually have an on-call Houdini-Autograph-Certification expert?
