Monday, August 1, 2022

Announcing WILD ABOUT HARRY on Patreon

Today I'm revealing what I think is a major complement to this blog. I've decided to launch WILD ABOUT HARRY on Patreon.

Don't worry! This blog will remain as active as ever with all the latest Houdini news and deep dives into Houdini history. Nothing will change. But for you hardcore Houdini nuts, Patreon is where you'll be able to get exclusive content that'll take you even deeper down the rabbit hole.

You see, I have a lot of material that, for one reason or another, I don't want to share on this public blog. Photos and videos that I'm not sure about copyright. Personal pics from inside private Houdini collections and archives. I also have gobs of original newspaper clippings and other source material that just end up going into a folder on my computer. But that's material I know some of you would love to have on your computer. Now you can.

It's all a bit of an experiment, but I've already posted some content and have ideas for more. Posting will be less frequent, but always something special. And as the internet grows more insane, I find having a more secure and private environment very appealing. I might even share some select Houdini secrets. (Shhh)

I'm offering three different membership tiers, which you can review on the site. You will be billed at sign-up and then monthly on the same date. You can cancel anytime.

Joining will also make you a true patron. You'll be supporting what I do here and the creation of my ultimate Houdini book. Every cent I collect will go directly into my research budget. Because the more I can travel and research, the more Houdini gold I'll be able to share with all of you. I truly appreciate the support and thank you in advance.

Anyway, that's the pitch! If you want to give it a try, click on over to Patreon and GO WILD.

Hope to see you there.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to Allan James Taylor and Barry Spector for becoming my first and second patrons!
