Friday, September 2, 2022

Houdini The Untold Story free PDF

I'm happy to report that my WILD ABOUT HARRY Patreon is one month old and going strong with 36 members. As I did last month, I'm offering a special reward for all patrons. This time it's a free PDF of Milbourne Christopher's Houdini The Untold Story. This will only be available for the month of September. I know many of you already have this on your bookshelves, but it's great to have a PDF that is searchable. Just click the image below to go.

The start of the month is a great time to join my Patreon as you will unlock all of last month's content (19 posts with 105 images) and be set to receive all the great content I have planned for September. For more information about my Patreon you can read my full pitch in this post.

Thanks to everyone for your support!

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