Monday, January 9, 2023

Houdini named to the Masonic Hall of Fame

The Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library (SRMML) have inducted Houdini into The Masonic Hall of Fame: Extraordinary Freemasons in American History, on display through October 25, 2024, at Supreme Council headquarters in Lexington, Massachusetts. The Hall of Fame exhibition honors Masons, both past and present, who have made outstanding contributions to American history. 

The year's other inductees are: Franklin Delano Roosevelt; Thurgood Marshall; the Mayo brothers, and Paul Revere. Not bad company!

This year marks the 100th anniversary of Brother Houdini joining the order.

Thanks to Delmar Proctor for the alert.


  1. I still wonder why HH joined the Freemasons. Just to check another box off the bucket list?

    1. Fraternal orders seemed to really appeal to him. He was also an Elk.

    2. That fraternal order appeal appears to explain why he pushed the SAM far and wide.

  2. Is that a Masonic ring on the Devil's right hand?
