Monday, March 6, 2023

Houdini Lives Again (again) at Morley's Magic Theater

Magician Scott Morley and his wife Britni will once again present Houdini Lives Again at their Morley's Magic Theater in Butler, New Jersey on March 24, 25 & 26. Below are details.
March 24th was Houdini's birthday, so this weekend is the perfect time to pay tribute to his life and magical impact. 

Step back in time one hundred years for Houdini Lives Again - a theatrical recreation of the legendary magic and escape act performed by Harry Houdini and his wife Bess from 1894-1926. 

A full hour of mind blowing magic, unique stage illusions, and impossible escapes! Take a walk through history with the Houdinis as they go from side show entertainers, to Vaudeville stars, to having their own show on Broadway! Turn of the century songs, costumes, and language frame this exciting show that also features live music, circus skills, puppetry, and audience participation! Perfect for all ages
You can buy tickets for Houdini Lives Again at the Morley's Magic Theater website.

Thanks to Ken Hallgring for the tip and Scott Morley for the images.
