Sunday, April 30, 2023

Houdini's Harvard Bridge jump

Let's mark the anniversary today of Houdini's jump from the Harvard Bridge in Boston with this account of the stunt from the Boston Post.

Boston Post May 1, 1908.

The Harvard Bridge connects Boston with Cambridge. While parts of the bridge have been rebuilt over the years, it still stands and even has a plaque commemorating Houdini's jump...115 years ago today!

Want more? You can see more newspaper clippings and photos from Houdini's Harvard Bridge jump as a Scholar member of my Patreon. Just click below.


Saturday, April 29, 2023

David Glass remembers Houdini

Head over to my Patreon today to hear a 1980 audio interview with David Glass, a 76-year-old Detroit magician who knew Houdini. Glass shoots down a few misconceptions, defends Houdini's skills as a magician, and even claims to have seen Houdini's final show. Just click below to go.

If you haven't yet joined my Patreon, know there is now nine months worth of exclusive Houdini content, including unpublished photos, video, research, and audio such as the above. Patrons also get a special monthly reward. We're currently 75 members strong. Thanks for the support!


Thursday, April 27, 2023

Did Houdini do at least part of The Grim Game airplane stunt?

When The Grim Game was released in 1919, the publicity focused heavily on the famous caught-on-film plane crash that climaxes the film. What was kept secret was the fact that Houdini was being doubled by Robert Kennedy at the time at of the accident. Kennedy's involvement wasn't revealed until 1969's Houdini The Untold Story.

Today it's well-known that Kennedy was the man in the air while Houdini's shot all his plane scenes safely on the ground. However, while watching The Grim Game on the big screen a while back, there's one shot that now makes me question the totality of this conventional wisdom.

The shot is when Harvey Hanford (Houdini) transfers out of the cockpit and scoots along the wing to the first strut. It's an extended shot that gives us a good look at the "stuntman." I've gotten pretty good at recognizing Houdini from a distance as well as his movements, and everything about this person tells me it may be Houdini himself! 

This also makes sense. While a plane to plane transfer was too dangerous and required a stuntman with that specific skill (although, as it turned out, Kennedy did not have that skill), I think Houdini would have been perfectly comfortable sitting on a wing in flight. And the whole point of this shot appears to be trying to show us that it's Houdini himself on the wing. But the camera plane can only get so close.

When the shot changes to an extreme long shot of the plane to plane transfer, the man on the wing is not only in a different position, but also appears taller and somewhat lanky, just as Robert Kennedy was. You can see his legs are clearly hanging further below the wing than the man in the preceding shot.

So what do we think? Did Houdini himself go up in the air to shoot the first part of the stunt and then Kennedy went up and completed it? There are photos of Houdini in costume with the camera plane as well the pilots, so he was there. The irony is Houdini could never take credit for the part he did as he had to claim credit for entire thing.

Food for thought!

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

LINK: Newspaper Clipping About Houdini Proves The ‘Four-Door Coupe’ Is Nearly 100 Years Old

Thomas Hundal at The Autopian has discovered a newspaper advert linking Houdini to the ownership of a 1925 4-door Nash Coupe. The focus of the article is about the origins of the coupe, but this is the first I've ever heard about Houdini owning a Nash or any car this late in his life.

This is from when Houdini was giving his spiritualism lecture at the Kenilworth Hippodrome in Asheville, North Carolina, on November 20, 1924.

Monday, April 24, 2023

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Martin Beck and the nine Houdini "knockers"

G, Z, A, H, S, F, H, Sh, D

Here's one for those of you who really know the players in early magic history.

In David Copperfield's phenomenal International Museum and Library of the Conjuring Arts there is a file of early correspondence between Houdini and his first manager, Martin Beck. These letters are packed with information and insight into Houdini's early rise to fame. One letter dated November 9, 1899 includes this intriguing postscript.

P. S. We are surely going east, and I just set my mind on it that I will work three times as hard to make a star out of you since the "knockers" have been at work. What others can be the knockers than our magical friends, G, Z, A, H, S, F, H, Sh, D, and other loafers? I have it as a positive fact.

Does anyone want to try and guess the nine magicians behind these initials? Remember, this is 1899, so the magician would have to have been active at this time. The only guess I have is Goldin for "G" as in a later letter Beck clearly appears to consider him as competition. But the others have me stumped. Feel free to share your guesses in the Comments below. 

Want more? I threw this one out early to my patrons and they have a few ideas that you can read as a member below. You can also view the original paragraph.


Friday, April 21, 2023

Virtual book discussion with Larry Bounds, April 27

Larry Bounds will hold a virtual discussion of the book The Life and Afterlife of Harry Houdini by Joe Posnanski on April 27. The Zoom event is free but pre-registration is required through Eventbrite:

This discussion is the last in a series sponsored by Ashland Chautauqua based on the theme “History’s Real Action Figures.” Bounds will portray Houdini at the Ashland Chautauqua festival in July.

The Life and Afterlife of Harry Houdini is a book I highly recommend. You can purchase it on and


Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Bess begins

Here's an exciting find. The below is from the December 15, 1892 Brooklyn Daily Eagle reporting on a reception of the Coronet Yacht club at Tivoli Hall in Brooklyn. Among the entertainers that evening we see "Miss Bessie Raymond, soprano soloist."

I'm betting this is Bess a full two years before she became Mrs. Houdini. "Bessie Raymond" was the stage name she used for her solo singing act before and after her marriage. She was a Brooklyn resident and she was a Miss! In fact, she'd be only 16-years-old here.

Until this, the earliest mention we have of Bess as a performer (or Bess in general) is the June 22, 1894 "Risey in the Box" article from the New York Clipper which mentions her as a member of the "Floral Sisters, neat song and dance artistes." (Try as I might, I've never been able to find any mention of the act elsewhere.) But Bess' sister Marie talks about Bess performing as "Bessie Raymond" before this, and I think that's exactly what we have here.

Bess begins!

UPDATE: Just for clarity, the photo at the top of this post is not Bess in 1892. It's just the earliest picture of her I can find and is likely 1894.


Tuesday, April 18, 2023

LinkNYC has Houdini covered

Our friend Michelle Ainsworth sends in an alert she recently spotted Houdini trivia on one of New York City's LinkNYC wireless charging and information stations. According to Michelle it read: "Harry Houdini is buried in Queens, New York."

These LinkNYC digital displays are ever changing and I've not been able to find a photo of the Houdini trivia, so this is just a heads up that it's currently in rotation. If someone can grab a pic, I've love to share it.

I'm betting this isn't the first or last bit of Houdini trivia to show up on LinkNYC.

Monday, April 17, 2023

A Houdini seance in May

On May 20, paranormal investigator Bruce Tango, a frequent guest on the TV show Ghost Hunters, will recreate the 1936 Final Houdini Seance at the historical Merchant and Drovers Tavern Museum in Rahway, New Jersey. Below is a flyer with info. Tickets can be purchased at Bruce's website.

While it may seen strange to be holding a Houdini seance in May, in reality, Bess held many of her seances in the summer months. In fact, the first formal seance to be held on Halloween (that I'm aware of) was the Final Seance of '36. I can only assume until that time Bess keep her Halloweens private. So, yeah, a Houdini seance in May! I like it.

Thanks to Carl Morano for the tip.


Sunday, April 16, 2023


My WILD ABOUT HARRY WEEKLY newsletter hits 100 issues today. To mark the occasion, I'm letting anyone view this issue online by clicking the image below.

How does one subscribe to WILD ABOUT HARRY WEEKLY? Thanks for asking! You can subscribe by clicking HERE. It's free and I don't share your email with anyone. Or if you're a member of my Patreon, I post a link and a PDF every Sunday. No sign-up required. Boy, that Patreon just sounds better and better, doesn't it?

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Todd Aydelotte runs to Richter's

Ultrarunner Todd Aydelotte has clocked another in his series of historic Houdini runs around New York City. As Todd explained in this post, he's following a path of Houdini history leading up to an all-day ultrarun. This time he's passing the birthplace of "Houdini" (the name). I'll let Todd tell it himself.

Friday, April 14, 2023

Geno Munari donates Houdini collection to Vanishing Inc charity fund (update)

Geno Munari, founder of Houdini's Magic Shop, has donated his Houdini collection to Vanishing Inc. Magic Fund aka ShareMagic. According to Vanishing Inc. co-founder Joshua Jay, the collection will be used "to create an unparalleled exhibition that will bring Houdini's legacy to life for generations to come." Full press release is below:

Vanishing Inc. Magic Fund Receives Donation of
Approximately $750,000 in Rare Houdini Memorabilia from Geno Munari

Collection contains Houdini’s handcuffs, straightjacket, posters, photos, props, and more.

SACRAMENTO, Calif (April 3, 2023) - The Vanishing Inc. Magic Fund, a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization also known as ShareMagic, is pleased to announce that Geno Munari, the well-known magic historian and collector, donated a collection of rare Harry Houdini artifacts to the organization in December 2022. The donation has since been valued to be worth nearly $750,000 and will eventually be used to create a special exhibition.

The donated items include Houdini's personal letters, Houdini “challenge” leaflets, posters, and other one-of-a-kind memorabilia. One of the most noteworthy pieces are the remnants of Houdini’s Water Torture Cell (which was nearly completely destroyed by a fire). This prop was used in one of the most iconic and dangerous stunts in magic history, in which Houdini would suspend himself upside down and escape from a locked cabinet filled with water before drowning.

Andi Gladwin and Joshua Jay, cofounders of Vanishing Inc. and the Vanishing Inc. Magic Fund expressed their excitement and gratitude for the donation. "We are thrilled to receive such a significant donation from Geno Munari. Houdini's legacy is an important part of magic history, and having access to these iconic props and photos will allow magicians everywhere to learn from them and appreciate them,” said Gladwin.

Jay added, "As magicians and magic history enthusiasts ourselves, we are honored to be entrusted with these invaluable artifacts. Geno's generosity will eventually allow us to create an unparalleled exhibition that will bring Houdini's legacy to life for generations to come."

Started by Vanishing Inc., the world’s largest magic shop, the Vanishing Inc. Magic Fund is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation and promotion of magic history and culture. The organization provides support and resources to magicians and magic enthusiasts around the world through its educational programs, publications, and exhibitions.

For more information on Vanishing Inc. Magic Fund or to learn how you can support its mission, visit

UPDATE: I've heard this collection may have been destroyed in a catastrophic warehouse fire on June 6, 2024. According to Vanishing Inc.'s own account, the roof collapsed and nothing was salvageable. The Sacramento warehouse had been the company’s retail headquarters for more than a decade. Fortunately, no one was hurt.

At the moment, it's unclear if even a catalog of the collection survived, so we might never know exactly what was lost. But it's known Geno acquired many rarities from Sidney Radner. 

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Houdini haunts Hoboken

A treat for patrons today is this image of Houdini on the stage of the Roosevelt Theater in West Hoboken (now Union City) in 1922. You've never seen him look more like Dracula! Click below...if you dare.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Houdini, Delprade, and the origin of Metamorphosis

In his early days, Houdini had trouble selling managers on his handcuff act. His card work, while excellent, was not novel. His other magic was largely stock. And while his Second Sight and spiritualism could always draw an audience, the morality of it troubled him. But there was one sure-fire effect that guaranteed bookings and always drew favorable notices: Metamorphosis.

Houdini has been credited (by myself and others) as the inventor of Metamorphosis. But if you look closely at his billing in these early years, it shows he and Bessie as the Introducers of Metamorphosis. Not quite the same thing. But if Metamorphosis wasn't Houdini's creation, where did it come from?

While I was at David Copperfield's International Museum and Library of the Conjuring Arts last month, I might have come across the answer in a letter to Harry Kellar. On July 2, 1920 Houdini attended a magic show in Paris featuring Professor Robertson and Italian magician Tournees Benevol. A few days later he penned a lengthy letter to Kellar describing the entire show, which didn't impress him ("Your flower production he murdered."). It's near the end of that letter that we find this remarkable sentence:

“When this was over, he did my old trunk trick, the one I did for many years with Mrs Houdini, and which Delprade brought to America.”

This appears to be Houdini acknowledging the source of Metamorphosis as a magician named Delprade. I had never heard of Delprade, but it didn't take much of an internet search to turn up the below poster which shows a 3 second "Substitution" trick of some kind. This is from 1889, so two years before Ehrich Weiss first appeared as Houdini.

I threw out a request for help on Facebook in finding a description of Delprade's effect. Our friend Charles Greene III, author of Ionia - Magician Princess Secrets Unlocked and an expert in magic posters, was able to provide the following review of Delprade's "Mystere!" in Rouen in September 1889:

"The great event of the week was, without a doubt, the passage of Mr. Delprade. Very appreciated in his imitations of birds, Mr. Delprade then invited us to a brand-new attraction with which he has just made all of Paris run - It is a question of substituting, in three seconds, a lady for a gentleman in a bag and in a hermetically sealed trunk. This exercise, of great originality, is carried out with such speed that it becomes a real puzzle. We can only urge all our fellow citizens to realize, by themselves, this strange curiosity."

This certainly sounds like Metamorphosis to me! So the next step was finding when Delprade brought his Substitution to America and if it was at a time and place where Houdini may have seen it. Again, it didn't take much of an internet search to find the answer to both questions. Check out the below from the April 15, 1893 New York Evening World:

The Eden Musée was very much part of Houdini's world and there can be little doubt that he would have seen Delprade do his Substitution here. So it seems almost certain this is what Houdini is referencing in the Kellar letter. The earliest mention of Houdini doing Metamorphosis (that I have found) is a review of The Brothers Houdini at Miner's Bowery Theatre in New York on July 8, 1893. This is only a few months after Delprade's debut at the Eden.

Did Houdini make a deal with Delprade? Probably not. He didn't need to. It doesn't appear Delprade had any ownership of the illusion. While you will sometimes see Maskelyne credited as being the originator, according to Charles Greene, it was Charles de Vere who invented "La Malle des Indes" in France in 1873. This became the substitution trunk performed by Delprade.

According to Walter Gibson in The Master Magicians, Houdini learned that a substitution trunk and sack was being offered by a supplier of spiritualist effects in Chicago named Sylvestre. But the $50 price was too steep. He then discovered "a performer who had an old outfit for sale cheap, so he bought it." While Gibson doesn't name that performer, he told Patrick Culliton it was Joe Godfrey. The image at the top of this post, which comes from Patrick's Houdini The Key, shows the young Houdini with that first sub trunk.

Of course, Houdini made some key changes. Instead of substituting assistants as Delprade had, he inserted himself into the effect. He also appears to have introduced the bound hands and borrowed coat exchange. These effects were inspired by the cabinet trickery of spirit mediums. And as far as I know, Houdini came up with the name Metamorphosis.

This timeline does mean letting go of the long held assumption that The Brothers Houdini featured Metamorphosis from the very start. If evidence of the trick can be found that pre-dates Delprade's April 1893 performance, that assumption can be restored. But the evidence at this moment points to a later adoption.

So while we can no longer credit Houdini with inventing the substitution trunk, I think we can still credit him with recognizing its potential and pioneering the modern presentation which remains the version magicians still perform to this day.

Thanks to David Copperfield, Charles Greene III, Michael Pascoe, and Patrick Culliton for helping unravel this tale.

Want more? You can check out related research and more images as a Scholar member of my Patreon by clicking below.

Monday, April 10, 2023

Todd Aydelotte's New York Houdini history run

Todd Aydelotte is embarking on one of the most novel Houdini tributes I've ever encountered. So novel, I don't think I can do it justice. So I'm going to let Todd explain it himself!

I'm an ultrarunner, Race Director and public relations executive living in New York City. Uniquely, as a 'historical ultrarunner', I run long distances to trace the lives of famous New Yorkers, and well known historical events in NYC. Here's a story from Runner's World that traces my many historical ultras, over many years (as far as I know, I'm the only person running like this).

I approach my subjects with extraordinary care, and only start running after consuming huge doses of historical information; stated another way, after my mind is loaded with history, I set off on foot to examine that history, and consider my own place in it. For my Houdini series, I've read five books, though your site is my primary source for information (I've discovered that the Houdini biographies often contradict one another, so it often takes a John Cox to sort it all out!). The books I've read include: The Witch of Lime Street, Gresham's Houdini, Gibson's Houdini's Escapes and Magic, Gibson/Young's Houdini's Fabulous Magic and Silverman's Houdini.

For most of my historical running series, I embark on a broad range of shorter runs first -- typically 5 miles to 15 miles -- over weeks and months, wherein I visit key sites I've been reading about, while documenting everything on my IG @toddaydelotte. At the conclusion of a series, I then design a 30-100+ mile 'Historical UltraRun' (any run in excess of 26.2 miles is considered an 'ultra' distance), where I string all the sites together, and seek to create a unique historical tapestry for me to run across over a 24-48 hr period -- and hopefully, plunge myself into a heightened state of consciousness.


As any ultrarunner will tell you, at long distances big things happen in the mind. As the body breaks, the mind expands and ultrarunners experience heightened states of consciousness, moments of clarity, and hallucinations. And into this sacred space is where I inject history -- and try to catalyze unique experiences. By running this way, I've discovered I can engage dynamically with the subject matter, fostering a deep connection to the person/events I'm to.

If you visit the link in my bio on IG, it will take you past the paywall at UltraRunning Magazine, where you will find a story on my last historical ultra -- The Howl UltraRun, a 93-miler I worked on with Allen Ginsberg Estate.


For the next few months I'll be tracing Harry's history across NYC... his teen years on the Upper east Side... his early performances on Coney Island and in the dime museums on 14th Street... his battle against the surge in Spiritualism... his many escapes and shows throughout NYC... his family and key addresses in NYC... What I love about Harry's history is that it intersects with so many broader historical trends and unique events in the City... ie, the death of Vaudeville... the 1st World War & so many people embracing Spiritualism in a desperate attempt to connect with the lost... NYC's transition to a fully electrified world, and the rise of automobiles...

And into all of this comes Harry's story, a story rooted in courage, ambition, creativity and confidence. I've been fascinated by Harry throughout my life, and this is a series that really excites me, especially given Harry's love of endurance and running.

For the final "Houdini UltraRun", I'm still putting it all together. However, if I stay injury free, it may ultimately look something like this. I will start running at Midnight on a Friday, and will run a 30+ mile route that covers Harry's entire life, all the sites I've covered in the series, spanning his teenage years on the Upper east Side to his shows on Coney Island and to his grave in Queens, and all points in between. My goal is to enter Central Park at 4 AM the next morning, at the conclusion of 30+miles of Houdini historical sights -- and this is where the tribute to Harry's endurance begins! The run is not over -- it's only just begun. I will then attempt to run non-stop 'Central Park Loops' -- Harry's favorite training route, a 6 mile loop around the Park -- from 4 AM (when the Park opens) till 2 AM the next day (when the Park closes). This will certainly be 100+ miles of running, and I'm doing that to honor Harry's super human endurance.

Todd has already completed one of his preliminary runs, which you can see on his Instagram below. There will be more to come, so be sure and follow him. I'll also be providing updates here on WILD ABOUT HARRY. 

Go Todd!

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Houdini's spirit cabinet scares up $50K at auction

A spirit cabinet effect that Houdini performed as a "near perfect" escape at the New York Hippodrome in 1925 sold for $50,400 (including buyers premium) in yesterday's Potter & Potter auction of Houdiniana. This was the big seller of the 128 Houdini-related lots.

The bulk of the lots came from the collection of our friend Robert Somerdin who explained why it was time to sell in a special statement on the Potter website.

The other big ticket item was a straitjacket ($45,600) and a Houdini packing case said to have come 278 and once used to hold straitjackets. Bidding reached $32,000, but it did not meet the reserve and was a rare pass.

Overall, it was an auction of some surprises. Who would have ever thought a Margery pamphlet would sell for more than a Grim Game pressbook?

You can check out the lots with their prices realized at the Potter & Potter website.

Congrats to all the winners!

Friday, April 7, 2023

Deconstructing Houdini '53: Metamorphosis

Continuing my scene by scene dissection of Paramount's classic 1953 biopic Houdini. Last time Harry and Bess had a blow up that sent them to Europe. Today we join them in London...

Chapter 11: Metamorphosis

"Ladies and gentlemen, my latest invention, the Metamorphosis."

So begins the next sequence of Houdini (1953). Harry could be talking about himself here. Last time we saw him he was working as "Oscar the Sea Serpent" in a Coney Island sideshow. Now he's standing proudly on the stage of the Alhambra Theatre in London performing one of his most famous feats of magic. Metamorphosis!

This sequence actually begins with an establishing shot of London and the exterior of the Alhambra Theatre. Once again the movie is pulling from real Houdini history. Houdini's first engagement in London was at the Alhambra and Metamorphosis was part of the act. Although it was hardly a new invention. Houdini had been performing it from the start of his career.

The real Houdini performs Metamorphosis at the Alhambra.

The only historical fumble is the billing we see on the Alhambra playbill: "The Great Houdinis." By the time Harry and Bess arrived in England, the act had been well established as "Houdini, King of Handcuffs." But that's a quibble.

Real Alhambra playbill for July 2, 1900.

As with all the magic in the film, Metamorphosis is performed beginning to end with minimal cuts. It's also presented in a contemporary way. The real Harry and Bess made their three second switch inside of a cabinet. Here a collection of fan dancers shield the trunk as Harry stands on top. 

Standing atop the trunk is how Metamorphosis is done today and it's surprising to see this presentation as early as 1953. It's also a modern approach to have the assistant locked in the trunk first. It's said this is so the magician is the one to receive the final applause. But it is certainly not how Houdini did it. Presenting it this way also robs Houdini of an "escape" which is important to what follows. (In case you've never noticed, Houdini escapes his handcuffs during the applause.)

Amidst the applause we suddenly hear a cry of "fake" from the audience. A man (Michael Pate) stands and identifies himself as Dooley from the London Examiner. He believes "that's a trick trunk" and challenges Houdini to "get out of something real." Of course, Houdini did not get out of the trunk. Bess did, so...

After exchanging barbs, Houdini throws out a £100 challenge "to anyone who can lock me in anything I cannot escape from." This challenge was a big feature of Houdini's first UK tour so once again the movie is on target. Dooley notes that Inspector Marlick (Barry Bernard) of Scotland Yard is in the audience and challenges Houdini to try and escape from one of their jails. With a bit of prodding from Houdini, Marlick agrees to the contest, but insists Houdini remained locked up for 24 hours if he fails to escape. Houdini invites the audience to come back and see him tomorrow. "You won't be here!" shouts Dooley.

Confrontations and challenges hurled at Houdini from the audience were a regular occurrence. In fact, on Houdini's opening night at the Alhambra he was challenged from the audience by another Handcuff King, Cirnoc. It's also true that Houdini's challenges were frequently "bets" with some sort of humiliating consequence for Houdini should he fail. (When challenged to escape from a mail bag in Los Angeles, he would need to be "delivered" to the post office to be set free.) Just another great example of how this movie dramatizes Houdini's exploits using established facts.

Following the performance, Dooley comes backstage to the Houdinis dressing room. Turns out their confrontation was staged. No other Houdini biopic has dramatized his close and sometimes complicit relationship with the press. But while the drama behind Houdini's challenges might be staged, the escapes themselves were legit, which is also established here. "My end of the bargain was to get you into jail," says Dooley. "You promised me two pounds. I want it now because tomorrow you might not be here to pay me."

Houdini pays Dooley and has complete confidence he will escape. "I can open the locks of these old English jails with a button hook," he assures Bess. But then Dooley says, "Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you. But in our jails the cells are built differently than in the states. The locks aren't in the doors. Good luck, yank!"

The reporter leaves Harry now looking far less confident. Has he bitten off more than he can chew? Can he escape? We'll find out next time.

Thursday, April 6, 2023

LINK: Kiwanis Experience the Magic of the Houdini Estate

The Burbank Leader has posted coverage from The Magic of Kiwanis event last month at the Houdini Estate in Laurel Canyon. I had a nice conversation with the reporter, David Laurell, and I think he does a great job encapsulating the house history here. They even caught a pic of me yapping it up to one of the groups inside the house.

Click here or on the headline to have a read at the Burbank Leader.

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Charles Young talks Houdini's Fabulous Magic

Charles Young talks about his father Morris N. Young and the book Houdini's Fabulous Magic on the In the Corner Back By the Woodpile podcast. It's a great interview and Charlie even kindly mentions my site. You can listen below.

As covered in the interview, Houdini's Fabulous Magic was recently republished by Vine Leaves Press. It can be purchased on You might also want to check out the official website and read Charles' own Houdini blog.

Monday, April 3, 2023

Houdini and Rose Mackenberg in April 'Highlights'

Houdini and his chief ghostbuster Rose Mackenberg are featured in the April 2023 issue of the long running children's magazine Highlights. The article is called "Scam Buster" by Gail Jarrow. Go Rose!

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Listen to recordings on two of the other wax cylinders

Okay, yesterday's post was, of course, an April Fools joke. But here's something I can share. The below recordings from YouTube are the same recordings we heard on two of the non-Houdini/commercial wax cylinders in the Copperfield collection. Houdini owned all these cylinders, so this is music that played in the Weiss family home. Enjoy.


Learn more about vaudevillians Billy Murray, Ada Jones, and Will Oakland.

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Listen to the new Houdini voice audio!

PLEASE NOTE: If you are linking here from Genii Magazine, know that this post is an April Fools Day joke. The post you were supposed to navigate to is HERE.

Here's something exciting to kick off the month! This is the new Houdini voice audio that was recently transferred from the original wax cylinders in David Copperfield's collection. Don't tell David I'm sharing this! Just click below and enjoy. 
