Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Why I'm standing with the WGA

Today I woke up to learn that the Writers Guild of America was on strike. This certainly brought back some memories. The last time the WGA went on strike was in 2007-08. I was a working screenwriter in those days and I participated in that strike wholeheartedly. I knew the issues, went to the meetings, and walked the picket lines. I also made some good friends.

Ultimately a deal was reached and I think that strike proved to be good for the future. However, it was destructive at the time. The veterans of previous strikes told me no matter the outcome, there would be a cost. They were right. Whether it was the strike or the 2008 financial collapse that came only a few months later, I was one of those middle class writers who saw their opportunities dry up. I never got another screenwriting job again.

However, this forced me into a new life. I got a regular job in Digital Cinema and all my creative energy went back into my original passion; Houdini. WILD ABOUT HARRY was born of this time. I'm now moving into a new phase of my creative life with the writing of at least two Houdini books. The publication of these books will mean more to me than any movie. It's clearly what I was meant to do.

As an emeritus member of the Writers Guild, I feel a camaraderie with those out on the picket lines. This time I don't know the issues. But I still work in this industry and I know the character of the companies they are up against. I am perfectly willing to accept that if the WGA feels they need to strike, then they need to strike and I'm with them. Therefore, I'll take a pause in posting. No deal, no writing. Houdini supported the White Rats in their strikes against the vaudeville cartels, so I think he'd be with us in spirit.

Good luck writers! I might just stroll over to a studio and pick up a sign...

1 comment:

  1. This makes no sense. You have gone woke.
