Thursday, July 20, 2023

Wild About Harry crosses 10 MILLION pageviews

I'm thrilled to see that WILD ABOUT HARRY has just crossed 10 MILLION pageviews since the site went live back in late 2010. Thanks to everyone for your support. Houdini lives indeed!


  1. Congratulations! I hope the high page count translates into money for you! Houdini research requires money, and Professor Silverman had to spend a lot of it to work on his HH bio.

    1. Thanks. It does NOT translate into money unfortunately, and I’m definitely in the red this year. But that's why I have a Patreon and I'm deeply grateful to everyone, yourself included, who have joined.

    2. You're welcome!!! I wish I could join at the high level but I'm a blue collar worker.

  2. Congratulations and well deserved! The main credit goes to you for working and upgrading this site continually. The newest technology is only as good and useful as the one keeping on it for real results.
    Thanks to the technology available, your work and the help of those around the world with like interests, research results can be had in minutes/hours, that used to take months/years and thousands of miles of travel.

    1. Thanks so much. And that is so true about the technology. I'm so lucky to have so much at my fingertips. How Christopher did what he did back in his day is amazing to me.

    2. Very true, researchers like Manny Weltman spent a lifetime researching Houdini unearthing facts/documents with only passion and persistence his aids...sending countless letters...staring at miles of microfilm, newspaper/publication "morgues", govt. records, finding those whose stories had yet to be heard and documented and more. Even after decades of work he said he was still surprised at the new info about HH that came up. It would be amazing to think what Christopher, Gresham, or Weltman could do in the internet age. (Thanks for carrying out and helping others continue in the pursuit!)

    3. The Internet has research limitations. You can't do a deep dive solely from your computer. Christopher had the two previous bios, a voluminous amount of letters, library microfilm, and people that were still around who knew Houdini. Silverman completed his HH bio without the Internet.
