Monday, May 6, 2024

Is the Margery Box still out there?

We are fast approaching the centenary of Houdini's famous seances with Mina Crandon, aka Margery, in Boston. During this high-stakes battle, Houdini built a special box to control the wily medium. He called it the "Margie Box."

Whatever happened to the Margery box? When I asked this question in 2012, Anna Thurlow, Mina Crandon's great-granddaughter, provided this intriguing answer:

"When I went to a Houdini Seance in Las Vegas (I think 1998?) I was told that someone living in Vegas had the box in a storage unit there. I tried the telephone number later but it was disconnected. Presumably, it still exists, and hopefully someone will bring it to light."

Well, it has now been over ten years, and there is still no sign of the Margery Box or any hint of this mysterious Las Vegas owner.  Possibly, whoever talked to Anna was thinking of the overboard box owned by Dixie Dooley. Or if it was an oblique reference to David Copperfield, we know he doesn't have the Margery Box.

I do have my doubts. This was not a working prop, and its significance as a piece of magic history would not have been appreciated at the time of Houdini's death. So I think it would have likely been discarded. If the box ever did reappear, I think we might all be surprised at just how small it is.

But we can still hope! If, by any chance, the mystery owner is reading this, please get in touch. During this centennial year it would be amazing to bring the Margery box back into the light.


  1. Its last known whereabouts? Did HH use it for his last 3 in One season? If so it would have been packed and crated in Detroit along with the other props and brought back to NYC. If not it would have been in storage somewhere, 278, or the Hoboken, FDC building. Worst case scenario would be HH decided he didn't need it anymore and told Collins to ditch it.

    1. Last confirmed sighting was Houdini's Symphony Hall lectures in Boston in Jan. 1925. I've heard it said he used it in his 3 Shows, but I've never seen confirmation.

    2. That's almost two years before his death. I wonder if newspaper reviews of his 3 in One show might mention the box. It would confirm he kept it in.

    3. I've read many reviews and haven't seen it mentioned yet. I think he would have kept it whether he used it or not. But it might not have been saved after his death.

    4. Let's keep the faith! It might still be somewhere in someone's attic or basement.

  2. There was a Margery Box at the Houdini Museum in Niagara Falls. I believe it was destroyed in the fire. It was in the same vicinity as the Water Torture cell!

    1. THAT is interesting! Any links to photos of the box inside the museum?

    2. Huh. This is news to me. I never saw a Margery Box there, nor have I ever seen a photo or heard anything about it. And it wasn't listed among the things destroyed in the fire.

    3. I thought that as well. I did see an Ana Eva Fay spirit box in that HH Hall of Fame video on YT. Maybe that's what he referred to.

    4. Ah, that could be it.

      BTW, the SAM Hall of Fame exhibit in Whitter has a spirit control box like the Margery box on display.

  3. Yes, the box in the museum was from Anna Eva Fay. I worked there for two summers. It was called the Anna Eva Fay Spirit Cabinet. It was in the same vicinity as where the fire started.

