Monday, July 29, 2024

Joe Notaro presents Houdini's Jorkins & Co

Our friend Joe Notaro is back with another intriguing Houdini publication: Houdini's Jorkins & Co: Developed from The Duffer Detective by David Pitt (aka Herbert Allingham). Joe first revealed the existence of Jorkins & Co on his blog in June 2021. What a clever idea to recreate this story as a book! Details below.

Joe M. Notaro brought Allingham's Houdini’s Schooldays into print and now he tackles the not widely known Jorkins & Co.
Jorkins & Co [1922-3] was a short story series developed from Allingham’s The Duffer, Detective ascribed to Houdini, the Handcuff King.

Tracking down a surviving copy of Houdini’s Jorkins & Co has been elusive, so Joe has taken liberties and updated The Duffer, Detective with “Houdini” references; similar to what Allingham did with Houdini’s Schooldays
In Jorkins & Co., Houdini has left his school days and has gone in search of new adventure. He summons his old school friend, Arthur Merlin, to help him rescue an acquaintance called Jorkins, who has mysteriously disappeared.

You can purchase Houdini's Jorkins & Co from and Joe is also offering signed copies via his website HERE.


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