Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Wild while away

I've returned from my summer break, which was not a break from Houdini. In fact, there was an unusual amount of Houdini activity! I kept my patrons in the loop.

First up, the great Patrick Culliton, "Houdini's Ghost," married his sweetheart Calista Carradine at Brookledge, the historic home of the Larsen magic family and a spot Bess Houdini knew well. I've shared some photos below.

An unexpected trip to San Jose, California, brought me into contact with some well-known ghost hunters and some terrific Houdini history. I'll be sharing more in October, but patrons got the inside scoop.

I also unearthed a new assistant and a second Houdini-Boudini photo. I shared the first installment of The Master Mystery audiobook, a Houdini vs. Margery timeline, and Rob Zabracky provided us with a tour of Houdini's Pittsburg (which I will be posting as a guest blog next month).

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