Monday, September 23, 2024

American Museum of Magic restores Houdini display

The American Museum of Magic in Marshall, Michigan, has restored its iconic central Houdini display to its once-former glory. The museum had erected a small stage for children's magic shows on the spot and placed Houdini behind that. But now the Handcuff King is back in his proper place, greeting visitors as they enter the museum just as in Bob Lund's day.

The museum shared the above photo on their social media along with this message:

Houdini has returned to the American Museum of Magic! The Museum thanks both Lewey's Shoe Repair for his assistance in making this possible and the Board Members who assisted in this endeavor. Now our Houdini banner has a secret that only museum goers will be able to see!

Speaking of Houdini at the American Museum of Magic, the great William Kalush will be the feature of their next Speaker Series in October. Kalush talking Houdini can't be missed!

For more information and hours, visit the American Museum of Magic's website or Facebook.

Bob Lund in the original Houdini display.


  1. That Houdini for President poster and milk can are the cornerstones of this museum.

  2. Do we know whether that is a Houdini or Hardeen milk can?

    1. It certainly appears to be the same style can that we see in later photos of Hardeen.

  3. Robert Lund was a wonderful man indeed.
    Nice to see Harry back on center stage.

    Robert Lund was a wonderful man.

    I have fond memories of his taking time to personally show some of his rare books on my first visit so many years ago.

    The museum is a treasure.

