Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Houdini by the Jerusalem Ballet, Sept. 16

The new Houdini ballet by Nadia Timofeeva, which premiered back in June, will be performed by the Jerusalem Ballet on September 16. Timofeeva recently spoke about Houdini's appeal with the Jerusalem Post:

“His story really touched my heart. He was born to a religious Jewish family and was an athlete. He started studying at a young age and was deeply affected by everything around him. He worked so hard and made this enormous leap to be a showman. He managed, in a short time, to become famous throughout the world, in a time without the Internet.

He had to be a marketing genius. He did all this with his body, and his training was intense. He had a very special life and roots and was a very special person. 

I saw his story more as an internal story about how each of us is trying to escape some situation. There’s the side of the Exodus: He was trying to escape not just from those chains but the internal ones. His whole life was an exodus."

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