Thursday, September 26, 2024

LINK: Hill Harper saves Detroit house where Houdini was embalmed: The tangled backstory

A good article by JC Reindel in the Detroit Free Press about the current efforts to save the building that once housed the funeral parlor where Houdini was embalmed. The property had quite a history, as you can read by clicking the headline above.


  1. Did anyone else notice the coincidental Houdiniesque alliteration? Hill Harper evokes the names of the characters Houdini played in his films: Harvey Hanford, Heath Haldane, and so on. It seems appropriate that a man with HH initials would be part of the still unfolding Houdini story...believe.

  2. The name Hill just makes me think of Hank Hill from King of The Hill. Harry could’ve had one of his movie characters be called Hank Hill! LOL!

